He’s not very good at hiding.

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Whos not good at hiding? I dont see a kitty anywhere

Rule 1, pictures must contain cat!

He’s catman!

Who we talking about, I see nothing but furniture. 🤣

No, he’s Batman!

So good 👍 thanks for making my day!


What am I looking for? Batman? I don’t see Batman anywhere.


I think it’s our newest superhero.

That is the incomparable secret Maumau. He sees evil in the dark, can blend in any winter wonderland and become one with accent Chow tables.

Perfect placement Maumau.

Tnat is hilarious. He really thinks he’s got you, all while he’s peeping through…lol. Things like that are why I forgive Bruce for knocking the lampshade off every single night. 😸😸

He? Who’s he?

take my upvote


Who isnt? Idk what ure looking at

Who is not very good at hiding?

where cat

no see cat

Who not good at hiding?? I only see table.

THAT is the photo of the year!

I’m Catman!

He’s not hiding he’s Batman

Hiding in plain sight, feline edition (Edgar Allan Poe would approve)

What do you mean? I don’t see anything.

Nananananana side-table-cat

Blending perfectly with the furniture


comment image?width=160&format=png&auto=webp&s=ccbda6c536cb9aa516589462bb95b668077c43ae

he who?

what a goofball

Ah yes my favorite Pokémon, Perrserker
comment image?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=411b3b524c8cbcfc8ef4b77167be616993048a21

What do you mean?

“Mum, look! im under the chair

im a chairman”

😂 What a goof

Love the cat’s eyes in the wood cut outs. Smart cat.

This is adorable. It looks as if he’s at a fancy masked ball! “Shall we dance? Would you care to partake of a little catnip for refreshment? You look lovely tonight in that pink collar.”

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