[Highlight] Embiid ejected after Wemby draws the charge on him, gets in the ref’s face!

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WTF is this game

Embiid 2nd quarter crashout was not on the menu for me

This game is fucking insane lmao
– Wemby has 7 blocks in the first half
– Both teams shooting like 20% from three
– Drummond gets ejected off of two soft techs then gets brought back
– Embiid blows up after an offensive foul call and earns a legit ejection

This game is wild hahah who’s next?!

Yeah you can’t talk to a ref like that lmao

Most entertaining game for all the wrong reasons

Yeah that’s a bit aggressive with the ref there

What exactly was Embiid trying to do there anyways?

Embiid doing everything but playing basketball this year.

and now he’s gone

Embiid: “*I dare you to throw me out of the game!*”

**ejection called*

Embiid: “*yisssss*”

Who does he think he is? Draymond?

r/sixers don’t call the ref a bitch challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]

Not sure what he said exactly obviously from our vantage point but he earned that one based on his mannerisms.

On a bigger note, it’s kinda sad that the fun has been sucked out of this dudes game. That joyous dude from years back is completely gone. Think the injuries and playoff shortcomings have zapped him mentally. I’ve never been a fan but I’m worried that he looks like a guy who may need to figure some stuff out off the court.

What’s being lost in all of this is how Embiid fell to the ground after running into Wemby. WHAT THE FUCK caused him to fall to the ground there?! He truly believes any time he throws himself on the ground he should be rewarded for it

Embiid looks so unhinged. Not the face or actions of somebody in a healthy headspace. Embiid is really in his villain era.


I love how he’s trying to get his teammates to hold him back but he’s not even moving forward

I love how he complains about something like this when he flops constantly and smiles about it after.

I do think something is off with Embiid emotionally though. He would not have done that a couple years ago.

Embiid about to give the reverse Ant interview, where he praises the male refs and shits on the female one.

Everyone parroting the “this is why ratings suck” is getting annoying. Ratings suck because it’s impossible to watch a game without streaming illegally and it costs a small fortune to attend one. Embiid getting tossed for being an idiot is not the reason.

Probably should’ve been a travel. It’s one thing to take a couple steps after you pick up your dribble. But now we’re doing it before too?


Without bringing gender into this, that is a very crazy and aggressive way to approach and talk to a ref. Even if they are bozos sometimes.

In Australian Rugby League if you behaved like this towards a ref you’d be suspendedfor a long time!

Players should not be able to act like this, its disgusting

100% deserved ejection. Everyone would have calmed down after the first technical, but dude thinks he’s special and keeps yelling in her face.

I can’t keep up with this game!!

I am crying laughing at the last five minutes of this game

I’m very pro Embiid 99% of the time but Dawg come on

Embiid man what is wrong with you

embiid is furious someone fell down when he barrelled into them? only he can fall.

Then he wants to fight the ref for making the call… wtf man

One of the assistants pushed Embiid, holding him back and saved another assistant from getting knocked out

The way he was yelling at her, she gave him more than enough chances to STFU

That’s gotta be terrifying in her position. Dude is 3x her size

Good thing she’s not a reporter

Watching Wemby fall is like watching a wacky inflatable arm man deflate really fast

That’s the same ref that ejected Drummond (2nd tech), but after review let him come back.

reckless dumbass

Can’t stand this dude. Big fragile baby. Doesn’t have it in him.

Embiid went low into his legs too that was dirty

Looks like a very obvious offensive foul to me? And then to react like that?? Tf is wrong with this dude

I’m crying sixers are NOT making the playoffs 😂😂😂

Embiid further cements his ranking as my least favorite player in the league.

You don’t bite the hand that feeds you, Joel.

Hell of a lot of sixers fans complaining about flopping with a straight face rn, how are you not embarrassed

My man hates playing basketball.

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