[Highlight] Fan does LeBron Chalk toss. Garland think it’s corny. Fan makes half court shot.

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The chalk toss gave him the magic he needed to nail the shot. The spirit of Cleveland LeBron took over the Lad for a second. 

Hell yeah, fan

What did he win?

“I knew around Halloween my man was going to hit a half court shot for 10k”-lebron

This is the LeBron version of the Like Mike movie lol

The LeBron emotes he was frantically spamming after lollll

Garland is really lame for that. You’re never too cool for moments like this

You know what, hell yeah.

When a pro athlete decides to shit on a fan having fun.


He says ‘this guy’ and smiles, yall are crazy reaching

Garland was more annoyed he was taking forever, he was cheering them all on as they shot.

Source: I was at the game

Bro saw a man living his best life and went “nerd”

The people on this comment section are 100x weirder than whatever strange emotions they feel about Garland.

People in this thread need to chill out lol

The way people in this thread are reacting you’d think Garland shoved him to the ground and stole his lunch money.

The guy was doing silly moves and Garland just looks at somebody as if to say “he’s not gonna make this”.

This is the fastest I’ve seen a new narrative created about a player in real time based on the shortest clip.

This is small shit, are you guys really hounding Garland on this?

Corndogs Jackie! Corndogs!

People really mad over garland saying “this guy” over a fan being slightly cringe

Watching it a few times now, what did DG do? That’s the most subtle “this guy” I’ve ever seen and all the comments are hating on DG?

Garland is super weak for that. Dude is out here having fun and obviously grew up a Bron fan. What does he want, someone to emulate the 5th best Cavs PG, instead?

A few fans who attended the game mentioned that he was the 6th person that night to do that, still a lame reaction that got caught but according to the fans it wasn’t just garland who had that reaction.

Garland is a dick, that dude is just having fun

Cleveland, this is for you!

Speaking of LeBron and half court shots, I once went on vacation to Miami and ended up attending the game where [this happened.](https://youtu.be/Sqd3jUPq3Lw?si=2oUNsJGbUM-VRIVj) Good times.

Y’all took offense to that like one second moment? Wow

damn that’s sad lmao

It’s corny to be a hating ass millionaire shitting on fans trying to have fun at an entertainment event.

Leave it to redditors to make a big deal of a clip in which someone points, shakes his head, and grins.

It’s a bit of a douchey look, sure, but some of yall are acting like he tried fighting the dude lmao

for all non cavs fans:

darius loves messing around so he was probably more so like “this guy” not “wow this guy is lame” he’s a big troll


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