[Highlight] Georges Niang sets a screen on Draymond, Draymond pulls him to the ground by the jersey

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Draymond and being a dirty player, name a better combo

Consistent piece of shit.

Dirtiest player in the league and it’s not even close

Cannot wait until he retires

I won’t be watching Inside or whatever show he ends up on either

Ever since the Poole suspension stuff he tries to pretend to be concerned for the other players he assaults. Infuriating seeing him try to kiss ass to not get disciplined.

I hope history remembers what a dirty player Draymond was. It’s horrible the stuff he’s been allowed to get away with for his career.

He’ll probably just be remembered as the “defensive anchor of the Warriors dynasty” tho. Smh.

Dude time for a suspension

How is this shit allowed? Dude sets 10+ illegal screens a game and gets pissed at a legal screen knocking him down?

dirty draymond doing dirty things

The last day we’re forced to watch this wrestling buffoon will be a great day for basketball


Why do the refs still give him so much leeway. The Warriors aren’t even relevant anymore

If I’m a ref, I’m so fed up at this point I just T him up. If he argues I do it again. Like this is ridiculous.

I’m so sick of this piece of shit.

When Draymond retires his dirty plays compilation might need its own Last Dance style documentary.

We’re still doing this after 10 years, I don’t get how he’s still allowed to play.

Someone needs to take a good fucking swing at him.

Techs won’t do anything, he’ll just get mad and go ask the ref, get ejected, and then all of a sudden he’s the martyr. If opposing players just let him stop the play like that with no consequences that’s not right. Stand up for yourselves, set the tone.

This shit isn’t basketball.

It’s these plays that deserve flagrants and ejections, not guys accidentally catching the defender’s ankle with their foot during a 3 pt shooting motion

PLEASE get this guy out of my League, ruined the Warriors twice and is fouling opponents with impunity

After all these years I don’t remember ever seeing a player retaliate. I think Edey is the only one to stand up to him.

This shit would not fly in the 90’s.

Lmao he’s such a little bitch. Got knocked out by a screen by someone stronger and had to resort to little boy tactics

Ban him from the league already, Adam Silver, you coward

Draymond stays a bitch

such a pussy

I need this to happen during a Warriors-Heat game and watch Scary Terry get involved

How TF is this guy still in the league

The ref going in for the reach around on Draymond

What was the resulting call?

Another clip added to that Insta compilation

Horrible human being

the minivan screens hit different

It’ll be a good day when he retires.

Yeah this narrative is starting to take over the “defensive cornerstone of warriors dynasty” narrative. Why can’t he just stop doing this shit? Is it really that effective in throwing off the other team? Does he want more views on his podcast? Is he putting together a mixtape for WWE in retirement? Like fuck man I just don’t get it lol

Draymond Green is such a piece of garbage on the floor. Don’t know how anybody supports this guy, he’s a total clown.

Why is nobody punching him?

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