[Highlight] Joe’s wife, Renae, and their 3 kids are in town. Last week, their son Jacob, who is autistic, made it through his first ever NBA game in-arena. But Joe didn’t play… Tonight, Chris Finch started Ingles to make sure Jacob could see his dad play

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That’s so awesome.

Props to the coach,  that’s awesome 

My dose of wholesome for the day. Coach Finch is a good one.

Sports can be so beautiful man

Love me some Jingles

Can’t believe some Wolves fans are crashing out over this

Respect. We are fighting for the 6 seed but i hope Wolves win this game so Finch doesnt get any flak for this

Teams with shitty culture should take note – it’s classy moves like this that make a player want to win for the org. Let the players know that they are invested in as people on *and* off the court and they will buy in

Well done! Only thing that would have been better was if it was against Paul George

*Everybody loved that*

Beautiful stuff

you love to see it!

That’s cool as hell, props to Chris Finch for giving Joe the lime light for a minute in front of his entire family. I don’t even know who the hell he is to be honest, but it’s a real human thing that happened at an NBA game and I wasn’t expecting it.

A classic Joe Ingles vs Kelly olynyk matchup. We partying like, oh God I don’t even know, 2018 or something

Shout out Finch, very nice gesture

Who is cutting onions?

The fact that some fans are upset over this is laughable lol

Classy move by the Wolves.

Winning in the universe > Winning on the court

Really lovely


Special moment! That’s great

this was dope. honestly i didnt even realize joe was still on the wolves

Imagine they get fined for tanking

Incredibly cool move from the coach.

All class, you love to see it

Very classy.

If you don’t like Joe Ingles, you don’t like NBA basketball.


As an Australian yall don’t know how much this man and Patty Mills means to us. Shout out the Ingles family, this was a great thing to see today

Fucking W

How can you not root for Finchy and the wolves after that

GOAT shit i’m so happy to see someone with the heart to do that while the team is in the middle of a tense playoff chase

that’s pretty cool. and honestly, Joe Ingles can function as a low minutes starter in certain games. He doesn’t need shots and he moves the ball well.

Huge W

That is really fucking cool

This is dope. I have been liking this team a lot but in these later games I want them to lose for my team to seed.

I hope they win this one.

Everybody liked that 👍🏻

Hell of a messy title, OP

My team is historically trash, but they have a lot of wholesome moments I will give them that. Love to see this

That’s phenomenal like AJ Styles!

It’s against the pels, they’ll do just fine

If you didn’t know who Joe Ingles was this looks like dad was invited to start an Nba game

I’d love to hear KO and Joe’s convo.

r/nbaww <3

i fucking love this

All the homies love Jinglin Joe

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