[Highlight] Trae Young rolls some dice on the Knicks logo as time expires

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Nothing like someone who knows how to play a heel well

“it’s a love/hate relationship, they hate me and I love it”

That’s gonna be in every single nba cup commercial going forward

Trae just renewed his lease in NY’s head


I love how disrespectful Trae is at MSG

The perfect heel 👑👑 and also Trae skipping like the Grinch lmao

Knicks fans totally wont be malding years after this game and bring this up randomly when they beat the hawks in a big game

He is the perfect NY villain

Bro is menace lmao the disrespect

Mayor Young arrived

Jay-Z got 101 problems

Johnson politely waiting for him to finish

Fair play, more players should embrace the villain role.

This shit is good for basketball

This man is public enemy number 1 in NY

pure entertainment I love it

He’s the perfect villain man. Wish the hawks can get him a dynamic two-wing to go with him, Jalen and Daniels.

Bro is just having fun and people actually getting tilted over him. Hilarious to watch

Let’s hope the refs don’t kill trae vs the bucks

I don’t get it, can someone explain?

Double dribble

He’s gonna take over Embiid as most hated in NYC again lmao

what a villain. you love to see it.

This is what the NBA needs again.

6th man of the year

Handshake even better

Salty knicks fans that simultaneously don’t think about Trae while thinking about Trae 😭

Spike Lee loves Sbarro and Trae is the mayor of manhattan.

Did he not stop his dribble only to dribble again?

Trae Young is NYC father

i’m not sure if i’m dumb but what’s that supposed to signify

I thought knicks players were going to get in trae’s face when he did this

Reggie would be proud

The only time I root for Trae is when he plays the Knicks. Then I’m his biggest fan. It’s not even that I hate the Knicks, I just love Asshole Trae.

I fucking love Trae for his pettiness with NY lol

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