His pride is hurt

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Show you math!!! “I did.” That’s not the way I taught it!! “Guess that makes me a genius then”

It’s crazy that what is frowned upon in high school is appreciated in college in the sense that, u actually get extra mark or accolade for doing research in college

I was lucky that my maths teacher from middle school to high school was a very kind and compassionate guy who appreciated when we did solve problems through other methods and got the answer correct

i never understood those memes, i have had around 6 math teachers and none of them acted like this

especially in highschool we had a great Teacher who would get very excited whenever a student found an answer by himself and he would give them extra work to improve

Shows a terrible lack of scientific mindset. Such teachers should be banned from classrooms.


How shitty teachers did you guys have? Only thing my teacher did was make sure what I did, wasnt literally wrong. And it never was.

sorry for being more ingenious

Its insane how every generation used different methods for calculating, I dont know why modern school teaches the same stuff way more complicated

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