His wife commented on his post

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A genius and a LEGO enthusiast? u hit the jackpot! listen to her

I love this sort of reddit moments..

I also choose this guy’s wife.

They seem fun with the names and all

Omg this is so cute!! I love how supportive his wife is.

What a coincidence comment haha nice!

This is why they say, Happy wife, happy life.

I just went there and upvoted both of their comments.

I think they are sweet

Well where is the sauce, OP?

This is the kind of marriage I want one day

She’s reddit’s wife now. OUR wife.

They are relishing in the divine afterglow of reddit karma together, I’m sure they had intercourse that night in celebration (please help me)

I mean … She’s not wrong!!! 😜😜😜

These two definitely deserve each other, and may they both have a long, happy union together with kids as smart-assy as them!

Edit: forgot a word.


Gurl math💅😂

I wonder if she’s single…

I ust whent there why are all the awards gone?


Enough, I want a wife on Reddit too

*Who’s up for it? I’m interesting (not guaranteed though), I live in Italy, and I only accept cute girls (who aren’t superficial) in my DMs*

Can confirm, am mistress

r/redditirl or something like that

My GF isnon reddit, I know her username. I hope she doesn’t find mine.

I always thought it weird my wife would start a conversation with – you didn’t hear a word I said did you? Or something like that!

You better not call her a idiot, she married you , didn’t she?

how is that clever, that’s just the simple truth

She’s out of line, but she’s not wrong.

This is the type of content I want in this sub



This is so contrived, childish, and saccharine that I could just vomit.

Not clever at all, actually. Not a good look for humanity going into 2025 like this.

fucking stupid

That Neis she’s husband make em not the anthem use reddit

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