History is not DEI.

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crazy cause literally everything with black people is DEI now

you can be watching game devs talking about a game and god forbid a black woman shows up

shit is unreal

The electoral college is DEI for rural states.

Pensions are DEI for Boomers.

7 car wide highways and no sidewalks are DEI for motorists.

Anything I no longer like is now DEI.

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Anytime you spot someone using “woke” or “DEI” in a negative connotation it’s safe to assume they are racist to save yourself the time. I’ve avoided a bunch of would-be dumb ass interactions because of this.

Itโ€™s so funny too considering that Trumps picks for cabinet are all unqualified as hell, but of course the term DEI could never apply to the those well to do rich white men.

I have no idea what DEI means in this context, and always read it as โ€œDale Earnhardt Incorporatedโ€

Funny thing is that DEI benefits mostly white women. Itโ€™s so annoying when you work hard and pass interviews and some stupid yt people think you only got the job because of skin colour.

“DEI” and “woke” used to mean a state of mind/consciousness for people to be alert of government fuckery. Now the government has completely buggered those words into nonsensical political agendas and propaganda. I hate it here.

Black history month predates the formalization of DEI, but it definitely falls within the same ethos. Black hisory month is only observed by the US, Ireland, and the UK: countries with a significant black populations decended from slaves (or countries were slavery was directly inflicted upon them by colonial powers).

It’s about celebrating a minority (diversity) and carving out from the national/local culture a month dedicated to their history (equity) so in the future they’ll feel that their story has been told and voices can be heard (inclusion).

If you’re teaching Black American history in isolation, that’s one thing. But that’s not Black History Month.

Die empty inside

God I still remember the argument that I got into with a guy on discord, he believed that DEI was actually racist towards white people.

White folks white washing history to make them look better. I for one will never forget what I have been taught, and have told my children about the atrocities of her ancestors.

Source: Iโ€™m white.

The MAGA say DEI because they know they can’t say the N word in public.

Nowadays, if you show even the smallest bit of compassion for anyone on the internet, it’s called out as “DEI”. Just another word for “woke”, which became just another word for “politically correct”, which was just another way to dodge having to give a shit about people. We’re all fucked.

American history is decidedly what happens when you *donโ€™t* have any DEI.

RIP DEI…a term that few were using before 2016 and now is associated in the same vein as “token” and “woke”

DEI is no different than CRT and woke, buzzwords for anything related to Black people.

Find the originalโ€ฆโ€ฆdeleted

The snowflakes that feel bad when they learn about black history are identifying with the wrong side. They lost, get over it. Identify with the Union Army or the abolitionists and you will feel pride.

Their new n-word you want to know what’s really frustrating during Kamla’s presidential run when Obama called us out to make sure We don’t go against our best interests. They had the nerve to pretend to care with their manufactured outrage yelling to the raptors about how Obama disrespected young black men. But if any of us call out any type of inequality or racism They say things like “shut up and dribble” or “racism doesn’t exist anymore” trying to make us feel invalidated like it’s all in her head.

They’re fine using us appropriating our slang copying cultural rises as long as it further their agenda but If we try to better ourselves or demand that we be put on equal footing, They say things like woke ideology and dei and that If we focus on evening the playing fields it’s anti-white it’s infuriating. I didn’t really think about it until I started typing this out, but I guess they still just want us to to obey unconditionally like we’re still just tools to them. But we’re never going to go back to that time We won’t be tools anymore. One thing history shows about us in this country is that we’re resilient and we will stand up for our rights they can try to erase our history but we will never allow that.

I know some folks say that black isn’t a monolith. We don’t need to be a monolith but we do need to stand together because there are people out there trying to take us down it’s easier to do so if we’re divided.

We made these cowards control the narrative and now we are paying the price. Just a reminder that white women benefits from DEI more than any another group

Since they can no longer overtly say they want us to DIE, they just label everything DEI

Greattt. Long four years ahead I see.

If you’re threatened by diversity your white identity exists only to exclude others.

Problem is that totally crazy idiots push this dei stuff.ย 

New world racism

Are they gonna just get around to canceling the entire month of February? I mean, homie is already rolling back daylight savings time, why not this one.

Matter of fact there was extremely little “DEI” happening throughout the pages of history. I’m extremely curious to know what these “concerns” are about.

DEI never had any of the things needed to succeed in corporate America. There was never a budget, no KPIs with penalties, seldom executive sponsorship identified and no direct hire and fire control. Many Black executives that benefited never aided in the progress or active ascension of other Black candidates in my experience. The top roles granted to Black DEI executives has traditionally been VP or higher usually hold an HR title or DEI title with not hire/fire control or budgetary control.

Does someone who knows words better know if dog whistle can only mean something bad? Like itโ€™s usually used in the context of racism and Nazis but like could the phrase โ€œapes together strongโ€ be a โ€œleftist dog whistleโ€ that explains the philosophy of communism/socialism without using language that offends normies?

This tweet is dei

Black folk style losing cuz we keep tryna get stuff at them people expense and they control too much to let us get away with it.

Until we start owning shit, they own us and will tear down any upward mobility we have.

*suppressing SOME PARTS of history

why does it feel like half of America suddenly decided this year to go full boner on embracing its white washing, oppressive, colonizing irrationality? popcorn is ready for when they begin insisting Wyte History Month be taught, if anyone wants any

Kind of sucks when in-group folks take advantage of a situation and cause the whole group to get smeared indefinitely.

She made a point and the counterfactual in the same argument.

What is DEI? Why bad?

What DEI concerns? Was that offered to her in quotes?


Translation: โ€œThe scary yt people are in charge again so the chicken-shit yt people are gonna be real quiet for a while. Good luck everybody else!โ€

At what point, is this a freedom of speech issue?

Maybe it was because her initials spell blm and they don’t want to invite that crazy ass BLM McGee.

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