History’s First Bros

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The oldest good boy

“I am in tears, while carrying you to your last resting place as much as I rejoiced when bringing you home with my own hands 15 years ago.”

Man’s best friend, honored like royalty. Loyalty runs deeper than time.

I bet he was the goodest of boys.

Aliens, if ever a reason to keep us. It’s this memory

Death: “It’s time to go now”

Dog: “Was I a good boy?”

Death: “No… I’m told you were the best.”

Jurassic Bark all over again….

It’s sweet to know that dogs were so loved, even thousands of years ago. We first domesticated dogs to put them to work, helping our ancestors hunt for food or protect homes or livestock, but they eventually became so much more. This dog was clearly loved enough to have a proper burial and was sent off along with his favorite toys.

Not gonna lie this made me tear up a bit. I could imagine the family burying their pet and the kid putting n toys.


I’m not tearing up, you are!

heart warming

This is the best thing I’ve read today. Thanks for making me smile.

He was a good buoy!

Not “before all known human history”, göbekli tepe would have existed for more than 1500 years at this point

I’ve always said there’s no such thing as a bad dog, just bad owners.


I’m crying over this long dead dog. And then I look at my two dogs lying next to me, and I cry even harder. :'(

I’m not crying you’re crying

If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.” – Will Rogers

Now I need to know about the Roman Empire Easter Island!

The oldest goodest boy.

We as humans don’t deserve such loyalty….. at least they honored the dog’s passing appropriately.

I propose a toast to proto-Viking dog! And that we name him Barley. Cheers to you, bestest boy!

Humans and dogs are evolutionary bros, both fundamentally changed the way the other exists

Indigenous Australians just chillin “am I a joke to you”

Any idea what kind of dog?

Odd time for my allergies to kick in

We’ve loved each other for a long, long time.

It looks like they may have even curled him up in his sleeping position. True reverence.

Damn. That makes me weep. I just did the same three days ago. I took my buddies water bowl and put some of his favourite toys in it, some of the snacks he loved so much and then buried him in our yard with it. I miss him so much. 😢 He had an enlarged heart and trouble breathing and we couldn’t have done anything but prolong his suffering, so we had to do the hardest decision I ever had to make. He was the best damn dog I ever knew. Wouldn’t hurt a fly. Loved kids. Was my best friend for 10 years and was with me nearly all day, every day.
Digging that hole and putting him in it with all this stuff hurt so much.

But I’m a little bit glad to know that I’m not alone and it’s part of the human experience.

Me: The pyramids must be older than that.


>”Earliest among these is the Pyramid of Djoser built c. **2630–2610 BCE**”

>”Stonehenge was constructed in several phases beginning about **3100 BC** and continuing until about 1600 BCE”

>Blekinge dog **6,380 BCE**

Blekinge is not the oldest evidence of dogs with humans we have found:

>The Bonn–Oberkassel dog was a Late Paleolithic (c. **12,000 BCE**) dog whose skeletal remains were found buried alongside two humans.

It is very possible that there are older dogs that were buried with their toys that have not been found.

I worked in archaeology in South West Colorado a number of years ago. A dog burial was found. I did a preliminary report on it. It was about 5 or years old and a right side chewer. The left teeth were healthy, no abscess. It’s right foreleg had a healed break above the wrist. A pottery bowl had been inverted over its head.

The soil beneath it was a different color than the surrounding soil so the excavation continued. Just a couple of inches more bone was found, this time it turned out to be a female child about 8 years old. Her grave had been reopened for the burial of the dog. Made me cry. Still does.

Take that cats!

Is there any information as to how was it determined that anything buried with the dog was a “toy”?

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