Hitler was bad, people

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We started discussing that shit back in the 1930’s, I’m pretty sure we have it figured out by now.

“Obviously posting Hitler for shock value is fun” is low key the dumbest part of this

I think eddie izzard covered hitler as accurately as needs to be done.


We really need to invest much, much more in education

Is this seriously what the world has come to. 

Fucking people asking if Hitler was bad. What the actual fuck is going on

Too many shots to the head in Jake’s fighting career.


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Dear god.

Ah yes, enlightening questions that deserve an honest, good faith discussion, along with “Are germs real?” and “is the sky blue”?

There’s a reason nazis are the most popular video game villain.

That’s 2 UFC fighters who are Hitler apologists.

Hmm, wonder if that has anything to do with CTE

Hitler was top 10 most terrible human beings in the history of the world. He also was the man who killed Hitler.

“Hey Frank, this guy is reading an article that says the Germans *are bad*.”

It’s not enough to say “Hitler was bad” we need to explain to the youth *why* he was bad and what he did to the innocent. Schools don’t teach kids shit anymore they honestly don’t understand what History was about

I’ve genuinely been trying but I cannot for the life of me figure out where he thinks that “honest discussion” is going to *go*.

“Welp, he had these trains, and even though they were filled with women and babies and really old people who did nothing more than exist, and they were being transported so they could be murdered in one of the most painful and degrading ways possible, he was really efficient because he stuffed a ton of them on every single boxcar!”

Am I missing something?

Jake Shields is just looking for justification for masterbating to Mein Kampf nightly…

Can’t even attribute Hitler to greed, he was just pure evil.

Xtards is accurate.

This guy posted on Twitter bragging about buying a Swastika shirt from Kanye.

“I mean, all he did was ~~murder~~ ~~eliminated~~ wanted his country free of minorities guys!”

Jake Shields and people like him pretend to be pro Palestinian just to cover up constantly hating Jewish people

Ad to the list….Shot his Girlfriend…then himself….. he didn’t want to be treated in retaliation like he treated them.

Is this dude really that ignorant or just mentally deranged??? Probably both?!?!?

What did he expect the response to be? I’d like to think this was a way to out Nazis…but they don’t exactly have to hide anymore…

Hitler did some good things, too. For example, he killed Hitler, and he didn’t have children.

A neo-nazi wants an ‘honest discussion’ …. Lmao

Hitler was a weak-minded, weak-willed coward. And so is anyone who normalizes him.

The more I learn about that Hitler fellow the more I don’t care for him.

Holocaust denial is like the flat earth conspiracy of the right wing. It’s fucking retarded.

This is the start of a new narrative, watch this space.

Anyone who says they want to have *”an honest discussion”* likely wants nothing of the kind.
Best to err on the side of caution and punch that Nazi.

Hitler did kill one of the most evil humans in history. Got to give him credit for that.


Too bad the majority of journalists today would be too scared to call him bad because that would show bias.

Hitler was a fucking monster who murdered millions

Six. Million. Jewish. People. Died.


Hitler wasn’t bad. He was A FUCKING MONSTER.

As a Jewish person, Jake’s tweet not only sends my generational trauma off a cliff, but “kills tens of millions of innocent civilians” is just too kind for the genocidal violence Jews endured (as well as Romanis and other people, but especially Jews). Executed after digging their own graves, burned and buried alive, experimented on, herded into gas chambers, raped, suffocated in cattle cars, the list goes on and on – including 1 in 3 European Jews and millions of children. 80 years later, Jews have still not surpassed the population we were before the Holocaust. I’m not mad at Dispropaganda; Jake’s idiocy demonstrates how much Holocaust education has failed.

Someone needs to tell the Russians about Stalin.

Far too many still think of him as a great leader when he was a murderous a-hole who bears almost as much responsibility for WW2 as Hitler

Right up there with, “Was slavery wrong?” There was a video on YT with a pair of women that said, “No! It wasn’t right or wrong, it simply was.” This was before Trump had even announced his first bid too.

I think there’s something missing in Jake’s DNA.

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