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Ok I’ll start the discussion, how are the aerodynamics doing this when a back is flat but a belly is not?

Hmm that Airforce NCO and the girl behind trump are also slightly angled forwards.

In the full image, everyone behind trump is also at an angle, and the image is at a 10°slope. Exaggerating the lean of everyon in the picture.

Melania and the soldier stand also like that, could be the perspective or another reason.

The dash line doesn’t even go through the same part in the head as the solid line

smooth brain criminal

Trump and Milanoa make acute couple

Michael Jackson couldn’t even lean that far

The horizon isn’t level. Not even close.

The photo is tilted, and the perspective is misleading. The lines are also drawn incorrectly: the dashed line runs from behind the heels to the corner of the eye, while the solid line connects bottom of the heel to the ear.

Please, don’t make me defend Trump again.

Wait I know this one!

Stupid Incel theory states that the inferior male leans towards the more dominant male.

Thus, Newsom is clearly the Alpha here and Trump is subconsciously acknowledging it.

Not /s because this is what some people believe :/

It’s honestly impressive how he can stay upright with such uneven weight distribution. Either his dump truck ass works as a counterweight, or his feet have the strength of eagle talons

Michael Jackson moves

Thinks he’s Michael Jackson.

Why do all 3 on the right look like they’re leaning?

Is this loss?

Leaning forward is a sign of Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD)

He’s trying to get his nose as far away as possible from his soiled diaper.

Why don’t the line ends recharge the same point on both people? It isn’t off by much, but both are offset just enough to make it look like Trump is leaning more than he actually is.

Trump apparently cares about ‘optics’ a lot. This must be driving him nuts.

All 3 on the right are leaning for some reason?

[45 DEGREES!]comment image?w=450)

No One:

Absolutely No One:

Michael Jackson with an idea for new Dance Move:

Bone spurs going crazy

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