Hmmm, I wonder why?

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I know this isn’t the thing to focus on but what does “majestic” mean in this sense? Like displacing Palestinians is going to be a wonderful, awe-inspiring sight?

Who ARE these people?

I’m hyper focused on the use of the word “majestic”. It almost sounds like Trump wrote that himself.

Sounds like someone got a new Word of the Day calendar.

“You should move somewhere not on fire” – arsonist

If the area isn’t safe, why does Trump want it? If it can be made safe, why do they have to move?

Ethnic cleansing in less than a month. This is going to be a long 4 years.

Better for whom?

More “majestic” how?

Love these conservatives who get halfway to the point but then abandon that line of thought before it starts rubbing up on their cognitive dissonance

I saw one somewhere else not ten minutes ago claiming that women in 1950 didn’t divorce at the rate women do nowadays. Why is that? 🙂

They’ve been very unlucky there, bombs just falling right out of the sky

So when the next hurricane flattens parts of Florida would it be majestic to move the people out and not let them back?

I’ll see myself out.

Majestic is a reference to the fact that they want a luxury development with no brown people sullying the pitch. So replace ‘majestic’ with ‘white’.

“More majestic”? Starts flipping through the digital dictionary to see if there’s some definition I am unaware of…. Nope! As we all originally thought, that doesn’t make any sense.

“Much better” “more majestic” JFC we are in the worst timeline.

Forcibly relocating an indigenous people so America can seize their land?

I wonder if a trail of some sort will be involved this time.

“Majestic?” What a bunch of dipshits.

Unqualified morons have taken over our country.

And they were put there by cartoon-level villain billionaire scum and a horde of misinformed, gullible, naive, people that were raised on a generation’s worth of social engineering and propaganda spew.

Now we actually have a real swamp to drain.

I hope the people that voted (or withheld) for this piece of shit over Kamala for his majestic foreign policy are enjoying the shit out of this…

Greed has those billionaires panties twitching. What is a little human suffering when we can become richer! We already destroyed the U.S., let’s start spreading this world wide! Hitler tried it, so should Donnie Orange-Crook.

Majestic? Really?? It would be more of a “look at me and what I did and I am the greatest” moment. Fixed it.

Oh, and if you haven’t been watching the language on the printed press releases are equally “majestic”

“Majestic” is the new “bigly” apparently.

Just when you thought we could never have a worse WH Press Secretary than the Huckabeast…

Funny that the same person complaining about imigrants wants the people of a country to pack up and leave for another one…

“Majestic” to me is a marker that she’s reading off an ai-written script.

They mean “safer for Israelis.”

I wish one of those reporters would have followed up with “why doesn’t Trump let them come to the US then?” Watch her choke on those words…

More majestic???? Still weird!!

So majestic. The level of pettiness is above a mil

It does sound kind of majestic. You know when kings used to just do whatever they want and draw fiefdom boundaries with no consideration for how it affects the residents.

She’s dumber than a box of rocks. Who uses the word majestic? Majesty?

Trump’s press secretaries are really in a full out competition with each other to determine who can say the stupidest shit during press conferences

Sure sounds like Nazi shit to me…

Of course she’s wearing a cross. I can’t trust anyone who flaunts their belief like that. Imagine actually believing in virgin birth and transubstantiation lol

Seems like it’s not safe for Israelis maybe they should all move..

Why does Elon want them to be majestic?

So how are those people who didn’t vote for Kamala over Palestine thinking about Trumps plan literally being ethnic cleansing?

“Majestic”??? LOOOOOOL

“Majestic”? She really used the word “majestic”? Did someone give them a thesaurus?

The way she lies whenever she says the president “feels”. He’s a sociopath. He has lizard brain thoughts that light up when he can get more money or sex.

Follow-up question: If that area isn’t safe, why would Trump want it so bad?

that area aint safe because there is oil there and the USA happens to exist

Much better and more majestic. What a fuckin statesman

Genocide is majestic when we do it.

He’s trying to tell you he is your king.

I think it would be really demure if the Trump regime would stop trying to do a genocide.

When you’re famous, they let you do it

TRANSLATION: “get these mongrels out so Jared can build Mar A Lago on the Mediterranean!”

We don’t accept critical thinking in this party. Please vacate the country

Everyone hates nazis until Israel wants to be ethnically insular

They think we are all stupid, and they are a little over half-way correct.

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