Homicide rates across Europe and the United States

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My favorite scale, from <1 to Louisiana.

What makes Illinois and Missouri so violent but Iowa pretty safe?

I remember when the city I was living in was named the murder capital of Canada, and then it compared it to other cities across the world, including the USA. The city I was living in at the time would have been in the top 5 safest cities in the USA.

Louisiana native, represent, son!

Yay! We’re number 1!



Chicago had like 558 homicides last year. And they already have 9 in the first week of this new year.

One city probably had more homicides than half a dozen Balkan countries combined. That’s crazy.

Reminds me of 2016, when Americans were posting how dangerous Europe is and how you’re gonna get stabbed and blown to pieces right out of he airport… while posting from cities with more murders than all of Germany

Not to mention the “no-go zone” hysteria, when all this time it actually applied more to american cities. “Just avoid the bad neighbourhoods”, was it?

Yeah and Musk is concerned about Europe.

Its a culture problem that no one wants to fix

Common Iowa W (I’m definitely not biased)

Interestingly, this has very little correlation with the strictness of gun laws by state.

I guess Americans just like killing people

“It’s because of poverty” mf’s when West Virginia exists

The proper conclusion to draw from this is that states should start planting corn to lower the homicide rates

You could go to any of these areas and if you aren’t slanging rock, conducting a crime, or banging you are going to be perfectly fine.

Good evidence of the death penalty working as a deterrent there.


everyone acting clueless on why the homicide rates are so high in the US LOL

now show south america ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)

Florida is basically Kaliningrad

Why are all the yellow and red countries in Europe except Turkey ex-USSR states? And why is Russia so high despite afaik much more restricted access to firearms than in the USA?

Let freedom bang, baby!

TFW Portugal is Western European for once:(

„bBbuT SwEdEn mUsT bE dArk ReD, tHis iS N.W.O pRopAGanDa“
—Reddit cellar boys

Wonder what the difference is?

I am sure if the US keeps getting tougher against crime, incarcerating another 2 millions of Americans, it will make the prison complex even more rich without solving the murders.


Iceland looking big this time of year

Hooray Iowa

ah, iowa, the france of america

There’s a common denominator here….

wealth inequality creates violence

Layer in demographic data for each

“The real problem is poverty and mental illness. That’s why I vote to defund social programs and healthcare.” – Republican politician

Goes to show that it’s people who are the problem. Not the access to guns.

New Hampshire & Vermont are not poster children for restrictive firearm measures in the US.

But then you have a place like DC that has some of the strictest gun laws.

Unfortunately this is a map of poverty in the US (which doesn’t mix well with guns).

There are certain areas that drive a lion share of these murders (Oakland, St. Louis, Birmingham, New Orleans, Memphis, Flint, Detroit, Chicago). The amount of US counties that don’t have a murder teeters on half each year. There are more towns that go even longer.

If we are able to fix others issues in the country, no need for feel good “common sense” gun measures that do not address the underlying issue.

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