Honestly I like this one better, more stylish

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Looks like a (modern) Metalcore band logo. New wave of Metalcore is on some other shit

Did Metallica sue them not to use that font anymore or something?

comment image?width=574&format=png&auto=webp&s=ebc3d64b263178ae1337ec7bd37f5ba0b92ad2c8

Just clean the underhangs and it’s 10/10.

Surprised no one mentions the activision logo they just purchased last year
comment image?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3ab3d4a4893fb35b8724f2cfe381369df2a2ea6

Looks like rock band logo

Make Microsoft Great Again

The problem with this logo is that it alienates businesses looking for a more professional feel. Which arguably in the tech world is a little dumb, but marketing is dumb af.

It’s great for a gaming or teenage community. But not professionals.

That’s the Metallica font isn’t it?

I preffer the 82′ one, the O is so IBM!
comment image?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3f8f8b39a0b578e273e84a78ffd3b9f80f5a006

IIRC they kept that logo for their gaming for a bit into the 90’s,


It got the Cyberpunk/DOOM vibe to it. Very nice!

Make it red, give it white binding and it will look like 80’s heavy metal band logo

Why is the logo dirty?


Fuck Microsoft!

So edgy

i’ve seen this font a lot, but can’t find the name of it 😭

Microsoft 2077

Metallica met Cyberpunk 2077 and had a child

That’s the Metal Gear Revengeance font?

Why is my screen so dirty, oh wait wtf


Apple is temporary, but Microsoft is Eternal

Goes Microhard.

Thats not microsoft thats macrohard and it rocks. Reminds me of the MGRR logo.

And then they pulled out

Needs an umlaut on the R.

I think they stole the name and logo from some unpopular hard rock band. 🙂

Microsoft? Na more like microHARD

Lmao, the Microsoft logo that goes Macrohard

Reminds me of the old rockband logo kind of.

Linkin park minutes to midnight type logo

Whoever took this screenshot had his GPU dying.

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