honestly just rolls off the tongue (not political pls don’t take this seriously)

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New word in Vocabulary.

Can’t help but think it makes more sense because homophobia is prejudice not an irrational fear towards gay people, and it makes sense to have the word be more equal to racism


I feel homomisia is a more apt terminology as “miso” denotes contempt like how “Misotheism” is hatred towards the divine or “Misanthropy” is hatred of humanity/one’s fellow man.

Linguistically ‘phobia’ only makes sense if someone is AFRAID of something to the an irrational degree, which, while applicable in several online cases for the most part the term has been bandied around towards bigots who are decidedly NOT afraid but clearly QUITE contemptuous towards homosexuals and have even violently acted out on said disdain to lethal degrees.

I think I’ve figured out the distinction: Gaycism is the next unlock in the Homophobia skill tree.

It has a zang

c is from race, just call it Gayism

John gacy is that you?


Sounds more like a philosophy.

lol. I’m not a homophobe but I can absolutely support this vocabulary change.

It’s completely broken linguistically though. “Gayism” would work better

Unfortunately. I view all gay people as equal to each other

Hell yeah, brother, its not like we are afraid of them or anything.

I’m a gaycist.

Nah dude loving the homies isn’t gay

Meme is dogshit

Somehow, it’s more accurate LOL

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