honestly sounds like a better time

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Theyโ€™re acting like those things are lamer than going to a restaurant where you can be horny in public while you eat

I went there once on a gift card someone gave me. The only way i could describe it was “super mediocre”. And it was obvious the dessert came frozen from the warehouse. I couldnt justify spending that much of my own money there.

For the record, any time you hear that a company went out of business or had to declare bankruptcy because millennials or Gen Z or whoever just aren’t buying it any more, it’s probably worth checking whether at any point in the last several years the company was [acquired by private equity firms that then stripped it for parts](https://www.eater.com/2019/7/2/20678816/hooters-fast-casual-spinoff-expansion-hoots) and then let it go bankrupt.

That’s what happened to [Red Lobster](https://www.nbcnews.com/business/consumer/private-equity-rolled-red-lobster-rcna153397), [Sears](https://edition.cnn.com/2018/10/16/investing/retail-sears-private-equity/index.html), [Toys R Us](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/07/toys-r-us-bankruptcy-private-equity/561758/), and many more.

Back in 2002 they served full 3 segment wings for 25 cents a piece. Boobs be damned.

This is why they are going bankruptโ€ฆagainโ€ฆ

โ€œHooters was obtained by a private equity firm in 2019. The $300 million it owes are unpaid bonds, which are backed by the restaurantโ€™s owned assets โ€” branding rights, franchise fees, property, etc. If Hooters canโ€™t make good on its debt, its lenders could potentially force it to sell off those assets. It sold the $300 million in bonds in 2021 while the pandemic was still keeping diners at home and out of restaurants.โ€

Hooters CEO = $955,000/yr (2023 bonus of $235k)
Avg. Hooters VP = $300,000/yr
Hooters CPO = $290,000/yr

How many VPโ€™s do you need to make chicken wings on the weekend?

Probably also because most folks think you’re a creep if you go to hooters regularly. Why waste money on mediocre food and risk getting socially maligned, when you could just go to McDonalds instead.

But youโ€™re still sitting on a prime business opportunity by opening a femboy hooters. But noooo!

Hmm invisible hand of the marketplace strikes again. I guess not enough boomer perverts survived covid.

Males born after 1999 can’t Hooters. All they know is get stoned at home, gamble on they phones, watch porn and order doordash

Hooters can die. We don’t need it anymore

I once went with my brother, I’m a woman so I only cared about the food and it was meh…


I’ve only been to Hooters once during a bachelor party. One member of our group (not me) got into an argument with a server and he kept screaming at her that she was “unqualified”. We were asked to leave. Also, the wings were greasy and gross.

I never really understood the whole look-but-don’t-touch restaurants anyway. I mean… many strip clubs have better food, and you may still not be able to touch, but there’s more to look at. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพโ€โ™‚๏ธ

I prefer to simp in the comfort of my own home

Never understood the appeal. All the general grossness aside, unknown, attractive women are just about the last group of people I’d want around while eating sloppy, shitty fast food.

went when i was 16 and got stared at by an old man, thought he was following me out too. idk why i was surprised tbh

mid food and fake flirting for tips, wow everyone is truly missing out. ๐Ÿ™„ good riddance.ย 

So you’re saying that Gen Z have inherited Millennials’ power to “destroy” anything simply by not engaging in it because it’s cringy Boomer shit that belongs in the last century.

Worked with a gal whose 6 year old daughter idolized Hooters girls and wanted to be one when she grew up. They frequented a particular location, and went for all their special occasions, so the Hooters girls loved her daughter and made her an Easter basket of Hooters stuff, got her a little Hooter’s girl costume, and she’d hoola hoop with them every time she went. Had her 7th birthday party there. They were not receptive to my dislike of the franchise. I most shut my mouth about it because I knew I was the only one who had my concerns.

The food there is passable. I never got deserts, but if you want some wings or coconut shrimp you could do worse here in the midwest.

You dont go to hooters because you prefer getting stoned at home, gambling on phones & looking at porn while waiting for a doordash

I dont go to hooters because i refuse to associate myself with the 50 year old misogynists who go to an establishment designed to objectify women(this includes strip clubs, twin peaks, tilted kilt, ect) for shitty ass overcooked wings and/or greasy ass food.

We are not the same

As a millennial, same. Sans gambling

They said millenials killed diamonds and golf, so hooters is probably just the start for gen z


As GenX I’ve never been to a Hooters, never had the desire to go to a Hooters.

Places like that have always made me uncomfortable. I’d also rather make my own food or not eat at all if my only other option was Hooters.

As a European, the first time I came in contact with the concept of Hooters was when I watched that one South Park episode with the “Raisins” restaurant. Needless to say, I was grossed out by that concept and I was shocked to realize it was based on an actual company. Well, at least the real life company doesn’t employ 10 year olds…… hopefully….., but it’s still a weird concept that shouldn’t exist in the first place

The obvious solution is to launch their own delivery service bringing it straight to your door. They can call the re-brand “Knockers”.

(I’ll see myself out…)

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