Honey leaking from an electrical outlet due to a beehive inside the wall

By ehtio
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Step 1: remove electrical outlet

Step 2: install faucet 

Step 3: enjoy delicious toast every morning. 

Good way to get electric bears

Contact a local beekeeper that specializes in wall hive removal. It may cost you some money.

Don’t worry, the ants will help out!

Cindyyy… the TV’s leaking


That’s shockingly sweet

Please call a local beekeeper instead of an exterminator…! (: they’ll save the bees

Another great day of saving the bees

Outlet is buzzing even with breaker off


Bee is stored in the walls (stolen joke from another post years ago)

There’s gold in those there walls boys!!!

Ants having a field day

Ooooh, ants 🙁

Now do peanut butter!

Kind of shocking.

I can only imagine the amount of buzzing coming from that wall

When I was young, I would have said “wow cool.” As a middle-aged homeowner I say, “fffffffuuuuuuuuck!”

Homemade Honey: Jar it and sell it for $20



This is up there with a crying Mary statue!

Do you want ants, because that’s how you get ants…

“Hey babe can you grab some more honey from the outlet ?”

“Damnit Darlene”


*Oh bother*

Looks like a sticky situation


It’s ok. The ants are already on clean-up duty!

“That is how you get Ants”

So sad I had a huge nest under my tool shed then it was destroyed in the hurricane also ants got to them and attacked the hive. I was so depressed for like a week. I planted wild flowers for years and it finally paid off

Never wanted to lick a wall before.

You see a honey leaking wall outlet but I see money, start bottling and selling it, free income😎

New band name unlocked: Electric Honey Outlet.

Should u call a beekeeper, plumber, or electrician?

This sucks, but quite the art exhibit!


How much did you have to pay for that?


Honey on tap…I see no problem

That’s just your standard electrical fluid. Don’t use in your car though—not compatible (unless you have a European import).


Winnie the Pooh : “SOLD!”


Look like it’s buzzing with energy!

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