Hope everyone is prepared for the UFO invasion tomorrow!!! :)

By Dmans99
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Days off work, you say?

Reporting in from Australia where it’s already the 3rd. There are thousands of alien craft currently landing in remote regions, it’s being suppressed by the government, and Deep State, if we make it through to tomorrow I’ll post an update.


I haven’t finished Witcher 3 yet so if they could hold off for another year or so that’d be cool.

I for one welcome new management

please happen please happen please happen please happen please happen please happen

This is like the third post now, but Clif never said some major event will occur on December 3, 2024. Rather it’s a marker date that will begin a phase transition for human kind from a petro dollar debt based currency, to Zero Point Energy and what he references as Sci-Fi World. The melee in the sky is a part of this prediction that occurs somewhere between Dec 3rd and middle of March where UAP’s will be seen fighting with other UAP’s and fighter jets.

So yeah, if he’s right, buckle up it’s gonna get bumpy, but the world isn’t just going to experience a UFO invasion tomorrow (if Clif’s prediction algorithm is correct, and his interpretations of it are correct. Which if he is, there’s a hell of a lot more to all of this than just UAP’s and ZPE. Honestly the melee in the sky piece of all this is probably one of the more tame aspects of the whole thing.)

Yeah, got my potato camera charged and ready

Working from home…just in case!

I love this– it’s like the new version of the Rapture predictions.

Everyone will be running around like Naruto like they did when area 51 was going to be stormed lol

Perhaps there is something available that summarizes his predictions. Condensed, with highlights — maybe a…study guide.

Clifs Notes.

Isn’t this the same guy who had a big prediction for like the start of WW3 or something a few months ago? A bunch of remote viewers did a session based on his findings and all of them saw something about a city being destroyed by missiles, possibly in the middle east and they had a pretty specific date. But nothing happened.

On what computer would you run software like this is 2001? Did Clippy predict 9/11?

I look forward to a change of pace from this current shitshow.

Well it’s December 3rd in Australia and there hasn’t been any alien invasion.

I always knew Joe Rogan would bring on the apocalypse

What data sets is he using for this?

Clif High – name checks out

what’s so funny is that even if it did, i’d have to be at work to answer calls still “yes you still need to come in” “yes we are open” “no the alien hellmouth didn’t move our location”

I am! Because why the fuck not? Things aren’t exactly going well down here.

extra days off finally lol

I will pretend i have emotional trauma too and stay even longer at home playing league of legends YOOO!!

I love when they give us exact dates to confirm their schizophrenia

We talking sexy aliens or not so sexy aliens? Asking for a friend, who likes sexy aliens but doesn’t discriminate against ugly aliens if drinks are provided.

Lmao ok.

What time zone are we talking about here!?

Awww man the new GTA, we were so close after all these years. Please just wait till new GTA is released

Amazing that it predicted his appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast when it didn’t even exist at the time the prediction was made! I’m skeptical.

15mins into Dec 3rd here in the UK and I’ve already been probed 69 times.

I am, I have heart, faith and steel.

shit, i got to work tomorrow

I fucking wish aliens would invade.

So this guy is basically Hari Seldon?!

Tomorrow huh?

I’m off of work until Thursday, can it get pushed back until then?

Trump clearly knew this was the case and has already scheduled mass deportation 😌

Your move aliens

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