How can Americans genuinely support this piece of shit?

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Less than a month in office and bro is already declaring himself above the law.

Same way Italians supported Mussolini in the 1920s, Germans supported Hitler in the 1930s, and whichever country you are from you will probably find a similar PoS at the helm at some point in your history too. Us hairless apes are dumb af.

People, or at least a very significant part of people, seem to love a strong man that offers simple solutions for complex issues. Alexander the Great and the Gordian Knot is not a cautionary tale, it has been told to praise this behaviour.

โ€œBut you know as well as I, patriotism is a word; and one that generally comes to mean either my country, right or wrong, which is infamous, or my country is always right, which is imbecile.โ€

Stephen Maturin (Patrick O’Brian) Master & Commander

So Luigi should go free?

Its important to note that he did not win the majority, 49.8% of the voters voted for him.

49.8% of 156 million is 77 million. There are 77 million Americans that supported this cunt, because they are either stupid, gullible, naive, of unsound mind, or because they themselves are cunts.

A further 90 million people did not vote, because they are chicken shit bitches.

So far, that’s 160 million Americans that effectively enabled an authoritarian regime.

I read this in a slightly different way than most..

He who saves his country from Trump breaks no law

He who saves his country from Musk breaks no law

He who saves his country from Republican fascist breaks no law

Logic check out…

A lot of Americans can’t even read tbh. Like I ain’t even tryna be mean, a lot of them are illiterate. They probably think democracy is a DNC holiday.

MAGA are the dumbest voting block on the face of the planet.

**Dictators in History:**

**- Hitler โ€“** โ€œThe good of the state stands above the law.โ€
**- Mussolini โ€“** โ€œEverything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.โ€
**- Napoleon Bonaparte โ€“** โ€œI am the revolution.โ€
**- Francisco Franco โ€“** โ€œI am responsible only to God and to history.โ€

Time to lock him up and throw the keys away

Lots of us donโ€™t support him. So angry poorly educated fools feel righteous about how he acts. So stupid honestly.

I ask myself that every moment of the day


They will keep saying everything’s fine and everything’s normal. They will tell you you’re histrionic and have “Trump Derangement Syndrome” even as you’re being shipped off to camps.

Sounds like he’s encouraging Ukrainians to assassinate him…

He who does whatever he can to exploit his fellow-citizens violate ALL LAWS, written as well as unwritten

Collective delusion and far right hystaria and fanaticism

Said a convicted felon.

The purge of the state has already begun. Soon there will be no real citizenship left to talk about, hence political support will mean nothing since politics will be dead. The regime will only know subjects categorized in two: loyal and disloyal.

Americans are systematically incapable seeing what is happening.

He was bullied into submission by a fucking 4 year old. I love my country but I hate the people in it.

Trump might want to watch this slippery slope because, depending on who you’re asking, he created a pardon for his own assassination.

I just don’t understand how anyone who has ever listened to him speak can say “He is so smart he should be the president”!

How stupid these people must be to think he’s smart!

We don’t. He is in office because people didn’t care. They didn’t care enough to vote.

He who rapes women is a criminal and a pussy.

just go to r/Conservative and see, they like everything he’s doing

54% of American adults read below a sixth grade level

Americans like what feels good, not whatโ€™s right or wrong. They voted with their emotions, not their intellect.

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