How can I make my money back with these 7k left?

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hit me up next time you make 200k il give you 10k for it

How did you get a quarter a mil to begin with ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)

A high yield savings account and a couple years at Wendys

You gotta put it into the ones going up mate

you seriously bought $7 calls on fubo. the level of regardedness is downright beautiful.

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Get that RH Gold membership and let the introductory APY work on your 7k lol Otherwise you shouldn’t be allowed to touch money lol You’re the human version of AMD stock.

But here’s what’s gonna happen in real life: you might actually fucking charge your phone (if it’s not too much trouble) and then you’ll gamble away the last 7k on some ridiculous reverse cartwheel bridge option short term upside down leap strategy or whatever lol

Deploy that remaining amount towards your education

Oh dear god. You were never up. I mean at this point having lost 98%, yea blow the last 7k on spy 0dte. Then never touch options again.

Do the opposite of whatever the fuck you’re doing

Buy a good computer with a good web camera and stick things up your bum?

Regarded, it amazes me how some of you have so much cash that you just piss away. How do you survive on a daily basis without putting a metal fork in a electrical socket.

Seeing as you made a very similar post over a year ago and you have lost money since then, I’m gonna say that you cannot make the money back.
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Damn dude.

You know you don’t have to go all in on every single trade, right

Bro are you putting towards your 401k and have no other debts? Otherwise you should stop doing this and get those sorted. If you want to try again, take some time to do some due diligence and engage in smaller positions and over time maybe it’ll look up. If you’re looking for a cash grab then take the $7k and go to the casino, you’d probably have better luck. If I were you I’d take a break and use the money towards something meaningful like a dinner with friends or a hobby.

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No. You can’t.

Others might be able to, but this is obviously something you’re not good at.

Just sign up for my course 😂

0 DTE puts on Tesla on earning day. Fomc meets on that day aswell. If fed raises rates and Teslas earnings are bad you could turn 7k into 50 60k.

Posts like these make me feel so much better about all of my past mistakes. God bless you op you beautiful bastard.

stop gambling

My guy is just throwing away money

You stop gambling and work

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“my money” ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)

edit: I’m sorry for your loss. I assume since you’re posting it as loss porn you’re kinda ok with it (e.g. it’s a fuckaround account).

I cant imagine you’re happy losing that much. I lost 19k and my gut is still churning. My god, how are you just like “i have more to lose, let’s go”??? Wow.

In another life perhaps?

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