How can I separate these two cups ?

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How can I separate these two cups ?
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Bartenders trick: give it a tiny but firm tap against a wooden or rubber tabletop/counter or use the palm of your hand, might need more than one try

And keep your free hand under it to catch the thing

This is exactly why those 2 girls always shared one cup. Look at the consequences of not following their example

Compressed air in the crack. Works for stuck 5 gal buckets too

Warm water

Try putting some rubbing alcohol in to break the water’s surface tension. I like the hairdryer idea too.

Hold the metal cup upside down over the sink, put one hand underneath to catch the cup when it falls out. Run very hot water over the metal cup and wait for it to fall out.

Submerge outside one only in warm water for a minute or two, pull out, dry, and immediately try to separate.

Combining answers here:

– Put a bit of vegetable oil around the rim where the cups connect to lubricate.
– Fill your sink partway with hot water to catch the ceramic cup(doesn’t have to be hot, but this will make sure the running water is as hot as possible for the next step).
– Hold the metal mug upside-down by the handle and place it under the hot running water.
– Hopefully the ceramic cup will fall out.
– If not, try giving the bottom of the metal mug a smack with your other hand(still over the half-full sink).

Repeat if necessary.

maybe try blowing between 2 with a hairdryer so the pressure increases inside ?


Warm water would make air expand probably popping it off.

Put the lid of the enamel cup on cutting boards, so the creamic cup floats a little bit. Use hairdryer on enamel cup and let gravity pull out the ceramic cup.


Compressed air.

Use an air chuck and be ready to catch flying items. Works with stuck buckets too.

I imagine that hot water would make the enamel cup expend more than the ceramic one.

Cold air makes things shrink. My first thought is to put it in a freezer and see if that helps.

Soak in hot water. Completely submerged

can of air

Just let them finish


You’ve got a vacuum there

If there’s any way you can get a thin plastic pipe the in between them, push it up and around and blow air in and it’ll release.

Failing that if you don’t care about the ceramic, drill it.

If they are dishwasher safe. Put them in sideways. If there is water in it. You can put them in the microwave on its side. So the water heats and the vacuum will be gone

You can throw the cup into some hot boiling water, it’ll open it up a touch and could be enough to get the top bowl out.

If you care about the ceramic cup and are willing to sacrifice the enamel cup, drill a hole at the base of the enamel cup to allow air to fill the enamel cup. The ceramic cup should then easily pop out.

Do you like one better than the other. Cause I have an idea that’ll do it quick. 🔨

The Art of Separation: A Step-by-Step Guide to Parting Two Adjoined Cups

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where two cups are inexplicably stuck together, leaving you wondering how on earth you’re going to separate them? You’re not alone! This conundrum has likely faced many of us at some point, and it’s more common than you might think. But fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a journey to uncover the secrets of cup separation.

Before We Begin

Before attempting to separate the cups, it’s essential to consider a few factors that may affect the outcome:

  • The type of cups: Are they made of ceramic, glass, or another material? Some materials are more prone to sticking than others.
  • The adhesion level: How strong is the bond between the cups? If it’s a gentle stick, it may be easier to separate than a stubborn bond.
  • The surface texture: Are the cups smooth or textured? Textured surfaces can make separation more challenging.

Method 1: Gentle Separation

For cups with a light adhesion, you can try using a gentle separation technique:

  1. Hold one cup in each hand, with the stuck areas facing upwards.
  2. Gently wiggle the cups back and forth, applying gentle pressure. This may help loosen the bond.
  3. Continue wiggling and applying pressure until the cups start to separate.
  4. Once separated, clean the cups to remove any residue or debris that may have accumulated during the process.

Method 2: Soaking and Waiting

For cups with a stronger adhesion, it may be necessary to soak them in water to help loosen the bond:

  1. Fill a large bowl or sink with warm water.
  2. Submerge the stuck cups in the water, making sure they’re fully covered.
  3. Let them soak for several hours or overnight, allowing the water to help break down the adhesive bond.
  4. Once the cups have soaked, attempt to separate them gently using the same wiggling and pressure technique as described in Method 1.

Method 3: The Power of Lubrication

In some cases, a lubricant can be used to help ease the separation process:

  1. Apply a small amount of cooking spray, petroleum jelly, or silicone lubricant to the stuck areas.
  2. Hold the cups together and gently rotate them, allowing the lubricant to spread evenly across the surface.
  3. Once the lubricant is evenly distributed, attempt to separate the cups using gentle pressure and wiggling motions.

Method 4: The Ultimate Separation Solution

If all else fails, it may be necessary to use a more aggressive separation technique:

  1. Wrap a clean cloth or paper towel around the stuck areas, holding the cups firmly in place.
  2. Apply a small amount of force to the cloth or paper towel, gradually increasing the pressure until the cups separate.
  3. Be cautious when using this method, as excessive force can damage the cups or cause them to break.


Separating two stuck cups may seem like a daunting task, but with patience, persistence, and the right techniques, it’s achievable. By understanding the factors that affect adhesion and using the methods outlined above, you’ll be well on your way to successfully parting two cups. Remember to approach the process gently, as excessive force can lead to breakage or damage. With practice and the right know-how, you’ll become a master of cup separation in no time!

I made a silly mistake by putting this enamel cup above the ceramic one. In between the succion and the perfect fit of these two, they are now inseparable.
I’ve already tried to put them both in a very warm water bath, hoping for the dilatation of the enamel cup, but it didn’t work.
Some little water went inside, but the ceramic cup didn’t bulge.

I don’t care much about the enamel, but very much about the ceramic cup, which I’m afraid will explode if I apply a temperature shock.

Any idea ? Thanks for reading this far !

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