Salary vs. Hourly. Hourly you should get paid for the (over)time. Salary you should be granted time off. It shouldn’t be a regular request, but it happens depending on the field.
1 month ago
C’mon guys, cut the poor boomers some slack. Their poor heavily poisonned brains from all that leaded gasoline can’t understand that they weren’t “commited” to work, but being exploited like slaves. We should just let them rant in the corner and continue working towards better working conditions and less corporate exploitation
1 month ago
If you are salary, you are probably a manager, so I am not going to cry for you.
1 month ago
We’ll work harder for more money than whips, but this apparently is a foreign concept for corporate execs.
1 month ago
God, it annoys me how the same articles were written about Millenials and are likely just copy and pasted for the next generation. Let’s see the same stuff written about Gen Alpha in the future.
hint: not happiness š
“No” means “No”
Boomers are the most stupid NPC generation ever
Salary vs. Hourly. Hourly you should get paid for the (over)time. Salary you should be granted time off. It shouldn’t be a regular request, but it happens depending on the field.
C’mon guys, cut the poor boomers some slack. Their poor heavily poisonned brains from all that leaded gasoline can’t understand that they weren’t “commited” to work, but being exploited like slaves. We should just let them rant in the corner and continue working towards better working conditions and less corporate exploitation
If you are salary, you are probably a manager, so I am not going to cry for you.
We’ll work harder for more money than whips, but this apparently is a foreign concept for corporate execs.
God, it annoys me how the same articles were written about Millenials and are likely just copy and pasted for the next generation. Let’s see the same stuff written about Gen Alpha in the future.