How convenient

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Seems like something one of the Mario brothers could handle

Just remember guys, it’s ok for the rich to kill us, but we can’t kill them.

“suicide”. After revealing shady practices.

Such a shame when someone takes their own life via two bullets to the back of the head

Are they going to spend millions of dollars to find the killer?

What’s the name of the CEO?

Did OpenAI hire the HR crew from Boeing?

comment image

People have died for less.

Money is power.

They will do anything to retain it.

He absolutely could have just killed himself. *Technically*.

Imagine he had a visit from a powerful person,and they gave him the address and daily schedule oh his wife, mom, family, etc. and told him he’s got 24 hours to kill himself or his family will start going missing.

He *worked* there, they likely can get a lot of info on him very quickly.

When is “no signs of foul play” + a company like Boeing or OpenAI having reasons to want you dead going to be recognized as obvious sign of foul play?

The fight has just begun!

Russia: falling out of a window
Netherlands. blowning up Buildings
USA: suicide

The red thread is forming for me tbh

OpenAi CEO apparently gave Trump $1 million for his inauguration… I am Not into politics but that’s sketchy after reading this

Funny how easy it is to just suicide people. And the courts will back you up.

RIP to this guy

Wow I sure fo hope the police department is putting out a hefty amount of reward to catch the person who did this, and I’m sure the governor is displeased with the actions of the criminal, and I’m sure……oh wait this isn’t the CEO. They don’t care that much



Its amazing how these guys in litigation on the opposite side of the powers that be just go and off themselves every time.

The things they go through must really make them depressed.



I think Diddy may be feeling the same way better watch out in case he decides to “kill himself”.

Just because someone had a motive to kill him doesn’t.mean he didn’t kill him self.

Billionaire wealth doesn’t ‘trickle down’ to the rest of us folks lol. They get redistributed to assasins, law firms and political lobbyists, and anything and everything that will help them keep their goddamn money and influence. The billionaire class is a nest of cockroaches feeding on the carcass of the average human being.

Where’s the 13 day non stop news coverage, 100s of articles written and LinkedIn post?

We live in a frightening world. If your small act of kindness even slight inconveniences the rich, they will outright KILL YOU. enjoy your stay (:

Company CEOs are becoming straight up gangsters.

Could this be witness protection alibi?

Sounds like he got the ufologist treatment.

“*He stabbed himself* in the *back four times* and threw *himself* off a bridge… very unfortunate.”

Coroner, any additional insight here?


It’s okay he committed suicide. No one killed him. 😳

So what’s the score so

Humanity: 1

Rich parasites: (this comment has been removed)

This is tragic

Dude tied himself up

Injected himself in the back of his knees with Clorox

Shot himself in the back 5 times

Cut himself up into pieces

Put himself into a briefcase

Threw the briefcase out of the window

Suicide is never the answer folks

This is how Maximum Overdrive started.

They murdered that chap. Where’s Mario when you need him? Luigi did his part.

Instead of falling out of windows, we in America like to exercise our 2nd amendment right. 

I’d like the next CEO to be found dead by apparent suicide. Either that or accidentally falling out a window.

A corporation would never, ever do this 🤭

Crazy that he was found inside his apartment after having fallen out of a window.

Man , isn’t this like one of the most cliches things to happen in a crime movie .

“suicide” Poor guy got murderd

The US has a long history of key witnesses suddenly dying

He had information


Someone took notes from Boeing.

Doubt anybody is running around killing for copyright

There is no need for corporate hitmen.

With just a few dozen work hours from your PR team and your legal department, you’ve got excellent odds of preventing millions in corporate damage. So why risking a second scandal that can break your company?

If you just delay, litigate, and smear enough, most people can’t keep up and break one way or another.

All perfectly legal and safe.

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