How do I remove the mold(?) from my washer. not sure what this is?

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How do I remove the mold(?) from my washer. not sure what this is?
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The pesky growth! I’m here to help you identify and eliminate that unwanted fungus from your washing machine.

Mold in Your Washer? Let’s Get to the Bottom of It

Has your washing machine been hosting a mold party lately? Those black or green patches of slimy stuff (you know, the fun part) might be unsettling. But don’t panic; removing mold from your washer is a manageable process.

What is that strange growth?

What you’re dealing with is probably a type of fungal growth, commonly referred to as mold or mildew. It thrives in humid environments, feeds on starch, protein, and grease, and reproduces through spores. Over time, these spores can spread, causing stubborn odors and unsightly appearances.

How Does it Get There?

In most cases, mold enters your washer through contaminated washing machine detergent packets or a buildup of fabric detergent, fabric softener sheets, or dirty socks in the gasket and inner lid. Additionally, excessive washing, poor ventilation, or a clogged washer filter can contribute to creating the perfect environment for mold to grow.

DIY Mold Removal

Let’s get started with some essential steps to remove mold from your washer:

  1. Clean the Exterior: Regularly wipe the outside of your washer with a gentle detergent and a cloth. This will help maintain the appliance’s overall health.
  2. Pre-Soak the Lid: Remove the outer cover, and soak the seal with a mixture of hot water and white vinegar or lemon juice. Let it sit for 1 hour before wiping clean.
  3. Run a Strong Cleaner Cycle: Add a powerful cleaning agent like white vinegar, baking soda, or a commercial washing machine cleaner to your empty, dirty washer. Set your cycle to the hottest temperatures allowed. Run a standard cleaning cycle to allow the chemicals to penetrate and flush out the mold.
  4. Clean the Seal: Use a mixture of hot water and a bottlebrush to scrub away at any stubborn mold in the lid’s seal area.
  5. Wash Fresh Cycle: After running a cleaning cycle, reset the washer to its freshest setting and wash away the cleaning agents with regular wash cycles.
  6. Dry the Inner Component: Run a cleaning cycle or two with hot water, then dry the internal surfaces with a towel and wipe away any excess water to prevent further moisture.
  7. Maintenance Alert! Regularly wipe away any water or suds that accumulate around seals and gaskets, maintain your washer’s air dryer component, and replace fabric detergent packets or clean thoroughly with hot water and dry as needed.

Special Tip: If the problem persists, you may want to clean the washer’s internal bearings or check the hoses and pipes for mineral deposits.

Preventing Recurrences

To minimize future growth:

  • Clean up spilt laundry detergents immediately
  • Wash delicates separately from rough clothing
  • Dry high-speed washes without an off-gassing conditioner
  • Check and replace seals around the lid periodically
  • Run cleaning cycles quarterly


Identifying and removing mold from your washer is a critical task to maintain appliance functionality and hygiene. By following the step-by-step process and committing to regular maintenance, you’ll be mold-free and enjoying fresh, odor-free laundry in no time.


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