How do I save my Fish! (Wrong answer only)

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Obviously not, he needs water! Put a bowl out beside the food for him to drink from. Maybe he’ll eat then.

Put it in rice overnight

It looks cold. Maybe a blanket, perhaps a space heater?

Edit- spelling

Plain rice? Of course it’s not eating. Need to put some vegetables and spices.

Need less water

Definitely needs more sun.

Easy fix, take it on a long walk and it’ll eat a lot of food

Lonely. Needs a friend.

Throw some fish hooks in that rice. Those fuckers love risk.

Wow, can’t believe you have a 5 striped carp, one of the most venomous carp in the world, in a cardboard box.

At least throw some salt in there dude. I mean, c’mon, you really expect it to eat plain white rice?

Give it a nice hot bath, then properly prepare it and put in in rice to reverse the water damage

Seaweed instead of rice

I would suggest buying and installing a fish ladder (available via Temu for very cheap or amazon for twice the price). I think it’s obvious that the fish cannot reach the top of the rice bowl.

Wasabi…. Mmmmmm mmmmmm

Usually aquariums are made of glass not paper. Try at least something where he can appreciate a nice view.

you are what you eat. So, eat it and becomes the fish and then eat the rice

Please socialize your fish

I think he wants some sashimi

Simply close the box – the state of the fish will become a superposition between life and death.

First suffocate her by drowning

Obviously he’s cold…lightly coat with butter and put in oven for 45 minutes at 425°

Its lonely… get it some company

He needs galvanized squad steel.

You need to put it in the microwave

needs more hydrogen

Turn it off and on again

put him in rice, maybe that will help

Bro needs some better stuff to eat with rice. Give him some meat!

Give it cat food…

Have you tried kicking it?

give it oil to drink

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