How is this supposed to be tied?

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How is this supposed to be tied?
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Could you make like 2 loops like rabbit ears then tie them into a bow?

Wear it like a necklace

Add a cord lock to it.

Like how u tie the off a balloon is my guess?

Pull it tight and tuck it under your scrotum.

Pull it , wrap it around itself making a hole to pull end through and voila, its a knot

Edit hold to hole

Cut it. Tie knots in the ends. Tie like normal.

Loop it around to make a hole. Then hold the end and pull a loop through the hole, a bit like tying a one loop bow. You’ll be able to pull the end to release it 👍

You’ll need a cord lock, easy to find

Make a simple slip knot….

Here is an interesting knot I just found on YouTube.

Loop it. Swoop it. And pull.

I figured out, just tying a bow without the initial crossing the ends step, seems to work.

Ignore the fact that it’s one piece and tie it like a regular shoelace.

Make two loops then tie them in a knot

I can do it but I can’t describe it well… So like you make a loop and put it through itself. Looks like when you tie your shoes when done. Then you undo you can only pull one of the sides

Its hard to explained but i always tied it. As all my pants are like that if it has it

Cut it

I bet you can spin that around and find the existing knot. Un knot it add a large knot about 1 inch from each end of the cord. This knot should not allow the cord to get lost in the band as it should not fit through the holes.

then tie as normal.


The single loop drawstring has a defined way to tie it per one of the comments. (But, there has to be enough length to work with which this one does not have. Needs twice as much.)

Fold the string so it makes an “M” shape, then use each of the “M” humps to tie a knot like normal. Then you can adjust the ends of the loops to tighten or loosen the drawstring.

Figure 8 on a bite, you can belay from it.

Hold both ends as one and tie an overhand knot. There is a better way but I don’t know how to explain it.

Edt: u/DebiMoonfae explains the other way.

>Pull it , wrap it around itself making a hold to pull end through and voila, its a knot

Post to r/knots

Typically, with a knot. But maybe you’re more creative than that.

It’s not. Your ding dong hangs from it

Mine came with a cord lock, like on a parka. Try someplace that sells sewing supplies.

I kinda close my eyes, grab two “ends” close to the holes and tie the first part. Then I get two “ends” that I tie into loops. Weird but it works. Never liked it though…

Feed it around, the knot may be inside and you can tie it like normal.

The Confounding Conundrum: How is This Supposed to be Tied?

In the world of instructions, there are few sentences more infuriating than those that simply state “connect the two ends” without providing any clear guidance on how to do so. It’s as if the writer is assuming that a mere mortal has the innate knowledge to somehow magically tie something together without any further direction. But alas, without a clear understanding of what constitutes a “tie”, we are left scratching our collective heads in bewilderment.

The problem is most pronounced when dealing with peculiar items that defy conventional notion of “ties”. A recent experience with a stubborn piece of twine at a local craft store underscores the frustration. The unwieldy length of jumbled threads seemed to laugh at my attempts to discern a logical connection point. I tried twisting, pinching, and even contemplating the meaning of life in an attempt to decipher how this chaotic mess was intended to be tied. My befuddlement was as palpable as the increasingly tangled web before me. How is this supposed to be tied?!

The predicament extends beyond the mundane realm of twine or rope, however. Those who have attempted to understand the instructions for assembling DIY furniture or repairing a squeaky toy have likely grappled with the inscrutable “tie the ends together” directive as well. It’s like the writers of these materials are operating under the tacit assumption that we readers possess an innate understanding of the cosmos, and only the most obtuse clues are needed to unlock its secrets.

In an increasingly digital age, where accessibility and clarity are paramount in communication, it’s alarming that such obtuse and cryptic language persists in our instruction manuals. So, dear writers, kind souls who craft the recipes for our DIY endeavors: please, for the sake of humanity, provide context! Give us a specific example, a diagram, or at the very least, a nod to common sense. We’re asking for nothing more than clear guidance to help us bring order to the chaos surrounding us.

Until then, we’re left to unravel the mysteries of the ambiguous “tie” on our own.
How is this supposed to be tied?

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