How lesbians find a new hairstyle starterpack

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Lmao opened reddit late at night and for moment my brain actually thought, “oh a collage of lesbians”

Really need to sleep and clear my head lol

Lmfaoooooo the two in the middle. So spot on

Lesbians walking into the hair salon like “yeah, give me the Brayden”

Lesbians when a new 7 year old boy haircut drops:
comment image?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc68e494e2b936972c7d48647841ab5819f4f662

correction: butch lesbians. But it’s giving ellen lmfao

*looks in mirror* shit. 

butch girls

This is the
comment image?width=756&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29254c7abcb65d0be4e2d439bab2ffbaf3605422

of lesbian hair.

This image activate my fight-or-flight instincts. I guess I never really got over elementary school.

These are only the lesbians that straight people tend to detect as gay, which are very commonly butches.

Long haired lesbians are way more common in my experience as one. This is more like “I work in a kitchen.”

Haha I swear this thing is too accurate

This is from the “hey momma” collection.

“You look like my lesbian nan.”

*gets police brutality’d*

I feel like Ellen DeGeneres has worn every one of these at some point in her career

And I fall for it everytime

Will come back to some angry folks in the comment section

I laughed way too hard at this.

I had to give up my pixie cut because every stylist around here just turned it into a little boy’s haircut instead of a nice pixie and I was constantly mistaken for a young man. Which isn’t really a problem but I wanted a cute feminine cut and to stop being mistaken for my wife’s son.

Idk many lesbians to me seem to prefer the Chappele Roan look.

# Messy, unkempt chique.

Taking a stand against opressive beauty standarts, or just “couldn’t have been bothered, who cares” or both? You decide.

That’s the butch lesbians 🤣 I wish I would

Jokes aside, the reason these haircuts look like lesbian haircuts is probably because women’s hairlines are so good they’re like that of a kid.

Men’s temples recede usually.

The kid in the bottom left corner is identical and I swear IDENTICAL to a lesbian fitness influencer called [body by Daddy]( on Instagram. That same smirk, eyebrow, and hair. It kinda scares me tbh

butch sure

Ive seen plenty that look real feminine though, so this is definitely just a subgroup

Lesbians culturally appropriating their little cousin smh

youre pure evil

The day they get this haircut they’re going to also wear a button up shirt buttoned all the way to the top

Why is this so accurate

Me: I want a new look. Barber: How about something that screams ‘I could beat you in arm wrestling’?

The child in that last image looks psychotic

Where is that mullet in the blender style?

Missing the backwards flat-brimmed hat and vape pen

Local subreddit be like: “What’s the best place for a Masc to meet feminine women?”

This totally tracks. Because the ones with this hairstyle dress like how I thought cool people looked at age 7.

“My kid is a cunt” starterpack

*Regrettable freshman year haircut intensifies* thankfully I’ve found a style that suit me as opposed to the first result for lesbian haircut on Pinterest

Bro why do they all look like Ellen DeGeneres?

I spend lots of time in r / lesbians and I can confirm this isn’t true

Hobbies: Boxing

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