How much better can life get?

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This little kid has a doped out dad, a missing mom, and a play uncle who has been convicted of sexual assault and is a suspected pedophile.

Poor guy.

He doesn’t get to interact with other kids, instead hes essentially a prop to make his dad seem more human, and gets blamed when uncle creepy shits his pants.

I can’t imagine how life could be better.

I don’t see Dad in the picture either.

Probably a “low risk” day.

I asked that question a while ago. Actually I asked *who’s* his mother & where is she, why’s the kid always with Leon?

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20 years from now I’d be if one of the following doesn’t happen.

1: kid overdoses and dies/almost dies.

2: becomes a massive prick and some escape-the-matrix wannabe Andrew Tate

My dad had a favorite child too, but she wasn’t on TV all the time.

Went from president to babysitter.  Wanna watch my grandkids too, bitch?  I’ll pay ya $7/hr.

I bet Eric is jealous…

He’s got a deadbeat dad and a rapey uncle playing president. 

The bar is so low.

God I feel bad for this kid. I totally believe he never sees any of his siblings, including his full ones. He’s dragged from one place to another, has to hang out with boring old fascists rather and likely has come into contact with Stephen miller. 🙀

Politics aside, there’s zero chance in hell that I would ever let my kid wonder around outside with a guy who had recently been shot at in an assassination attempt.

Trump with his carer

A father and a poay uncle…what a traditional family the boy has 😀

Trust “CEO Branding Expert” to be giving real uh, ‘honest’, takes on this

Listen to how he talked in the interview. That’s how he is being talked to.

Life can get a lot better.

This is how you raise the Antichrist.

And he wears clothes that fit the esthetics of the dad instead of fun and colourful stuff kids like. It shows the whole relationship dynamic.

“I say fat man, where are you taking me?” Lil X

Who is this kid’s mother?

Mark my words, Elon is raising that kid to be his own personal blood donor.

lil x and his babysitter while the president is at work

“a play uncle”.…..

Trump is one of the most UNFUN people I’ve ever seen.

The little Muskoid is probably saying, “This is not your helicopter.”

Another Donald

That’s kind of ironic, because the Christian MAGA media that goes full psychotic on diverse lifestyles (i.e. gay men raising a child) condemns the absence of a motherly figure, and speaks of all sorts of damaging effects from this so called deficiency

That’s a shit name.

It could get a lot better

If America survives, the tell all books are gonna be amazing.

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