How my 12 year old son has his mother and I listed in his phone

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Best one I ever saw on here was a twin that had his brother in his phone as “ Spare Parts “

I remember seeing this joke nearly a decade ago,

Feel like I’ve seen this lots of times already

My mom is under “Momster”. Before smart phones, typing 666 would bring her up instantly

Your son did not do this, no one under the age of 60 uses that font

You made this yourself

Buddy got that 2010 aahhh font

I feel like this whole comment section is full of people afraid to use words…
Wtf has happened.

I’m going to smoke another bowl for y’all.

Your kid is restarted

Funny! Mine has her mom listed as “9 month hotel”.

No one humbles you like your own kids

Totally real

My mom has me and my siblings as Financial drain #1-5

I be spawn camping.

This may not be as funny as you think pops.

You might get a surprise in about six years.

My son has his mom listed as
“womb landlord”.

Well, you don’t know the usage difference between “I” and “me”, so I’d not be proud to associate with you either.

Haha. I’m listed as Sperm Donor and mom is Incubator

I know someone who named their twin duplicate

Is the sister the hacker or sys admin?

While not technically incorrect, ‘donor’ would be the near universal choice for native English speakers.

Also I like that font. Is that a setting available on Android phones?

We’re “birth giver” and “man-child”.

eh, a 12yo being a 12yo on his personal phone. As long as he shows respect to you IRL, it shouldn’t matter

Getting disrespected by your kid and it’s not even an original thought, it’s just some quirky thing they saw on the internet is hilarious to me.

I would personally hate having such unimaginative children lmao.

It’s actually “his mother and me,” so ya know.

Rule of thumb: act as if the other person/people aren’t being mentioned.

I had my mom as birth giver & my dad as seed planter for a while when I was growing up

Spawn point is genius NGL

That’s actually really fucking weird.

The thumbnail looks like a blow job is being given….?

I have my milkman saved as casein

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