How my wife “mops” the hardwood floors…

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I’m going to guess she works in professional kitchen like a restaurant , hotel , banquet facilities. This is how we washed the floors. But my god. Not in a house.

That poor floor is fucked. Giving it five years at best.

Baseboards are also/will be ruined 🙁 That’ll be an expensive fix.

Make her join the Navy.

She does not seem to understand wood. What’s the basement like after this?

Nice aquarium what you planning on putting in there

Welp, that’s one way to ruin hardwood and obtain a mold issue

Im serious when I say you cant allow this or youll be shelling out a few thousand for new flooring. *linoleum this time


Honey we need to have a talk🤦🏾‍♂️


That floor is going to lift and possibly buckle.

That would reduce the lifespan of the floors

Is she a Zamboni?

That’s NOT how you clean hardwood floors! Unless you have the $$$$$ to replace them. 🤨

That shiz gonna be expensive to replace and the baseboards will be ruined, it’s just begging for mold and drywall issues too.

Get some damn towels and soak it up!

Look like she just finished the deck, onto the inside now 😂

Former water damage controller here.

Pleade, OP, ask your wife to stop this shit for fucks sakes.

Everything organic that gets enough water turns into a playground for bad stuff, and that bad stuff is affecting your respiratory systems and shit.

Parquet is said to withstand a puddle of water max. 5-15minutes. that does not mean you can do it once a week. just soak a mop in water mixed with soap and mop the floor lightly with that shit.

if you pour a cubic meter of soapy water on the floor every now and then-you and your house will be fucked.

She didn’t mop it. She poured water on it.

I’m a carpenter

This is absolutely ridiculous

You do realise that things you can’t see are getting completely destroyed under those boards

She isn’t mopping, she’s being passive aggressive or this ball would not be there…
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She just wants a new floor, doesn’t she?

As a woman and someone who mops, please tell your wife to stop this. She is legit damaging your floors and it will grow mold underneath because of how soaked it is. She does NOT need that much water or whatever brand of cleaner she’s using. It legit says on the bottle a cap or some shit, not half the bottle. She should be using a mop that rings out a bit and then using it on the floor. Is she soaking the floor for a reason?? I feel like she’s trying to weaponize incompetence so that you start to mop so she doesn’t have to.

Edit: I saw you said it was a one time thing, but this was seriously ridiculous and a little idiotic of your wife. In what world is DROWNING hardwood floors a good idea?😭 I’d hate to see how she usually mops with a normal one.

That’s gonna be expensive

You should take over.

That floor is a toast dude

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Enjoy the mold!

You have the patience of a saint. My temper could never

They wont be hard wood for long. Get ready to have rubberwood floors soon.

Can already see the water damage creeping into the walls too.

Is she Latino?
Seriously asking because I’ve seen Latinos that do this. Down in Latin America they use tile flooring more. So maybe she’s like,…na this is good.

Your wife’s an idiot

Soooo… are you gonna step up in anyway? Offer to switch chores so you can do the floors or…?

She’s clearly trying to pawn off mopping to you. Get her a Vileda mop& wringer.

Please tell her to not do that ever again. Show her this thread if you must.
Water is getting into the floor and below. Your floor will be warped so bad and the repairs will be extremely expensive. Also, Water is getting into the wall. The baseboard is not a water dam, it’s going underneath which is wicking up the drywall which will turn into horrible mold .
She’s not stupid but she is uninformed.

Are you sure she didn’t just yeet a bucket of soap water? Since when is that classified as cleaning?

Tell your wife the floor doesn’t NEED A BATH

Of she keeps doing this, mold will start to form on the joints.

You are going to get mold growing in the walls behind the baseboard and drywall.



“I’m a home owner”

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