How the FUCK is Twitter worth $44 billion again (supposedly)? Something smells fishy ๐ŸŸ

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It was already overpriced at $44 billion, then advertisers pulled out. Muskโ€™s acquisition relied on Teslaโ€™s inflated stock value, and now that Tesla is struggling, itโ€™s surprising that Morgan Stanley is risking its reputation on both of Muskโ€™s troubled ventures.

Counterpoint: it’s not.

Pomp eeeet.

It’s worth what someone is willing to pay for it, nobody is going to pay $44 billion for twitter.

buyout incoming

Same as Trump’s media company, as soon as he won’t rh election it’s value began to plummet as this is how they funnelled money to Trump.

Musk is basically the VP and destroying parts of the US government soooo I would highly predict all kinds of tech companies and foreign governments are funnelling money into Twitter to get favour with Musk, who again was not elected yet seems to have as much power as Trump ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ freedom huh Yanks??

Because Elon is a great business leader.

Source: Trust me bro

X is for lines away from eons favorite symbol

What’s the value of a propaganda machine which can brain wash half of the population of the world 1st economy and help to turn an election to bring an oligarchy? Not it’s original purpose when it was bought but it found a new valuable one…

Look up Pravda. This is a part of how it works.

Well, a website that makes you win elections is worth a lot to be fair

He is a con man just like trump

The only buyer you will find for that price is a buyer doing a favor to Elon or Trump for another favor. The valuation may be there but it is fugazi.

It wasnโ€™t worth $44 billion when he bought it.

Fraud, extortion, better call RICO. Reminds me of unorganized crime

Question the source.

It’s worth *more* yet all its users are leaving for BlueSky? Mmmkay… ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿคฃ

Agreed, seems like BS

Itโ€™s called free speech dumb ass.

Because who is gonna investigate financial fraud? Whoever Musk says.

Cry more


Elon’s main financial backer to purchase Twitter now claims Twitter has recovered most of its value… Sounds more like the bank is trying to create artificial value in case Tesla stock continues to crater, forcing a sale of Twitter.

Valuation is what he values it at lol

He needs to bring the bird back

After looking at other articles on the topic, this valuation seems to be more of a โ€œcuz I said soโ€ kinda thing. Since they are a private company they donโ€™t have to release any real data. Even the CNN and Bloomberg reports donโ€™t really have much to show other than some vague numbers that canโ€™t really be verified or detailed.ย 

Seems like another ploy to make people think Elon is some genius and is playing some 5D chess. Until some real information is released, all we have is his word. Iโ€™d take anything they say on this with a bucket of salt.ย 






Is what is driving it.

2.9 billion in total revenue in 2024.

Something doesn’t add up.

My understanding is that someone bought a chunk of X for a given price. Something like $1B for a small 1/44 fraction of the company. They then say since 1/44 of the company is โ€œworthโ€ $1B, the total value of the company must be $44B.

This makes some sense, mathematically, at least. The price someone is willing to pay is literally the definition of โ€œvalueโ€ in a market economy.

But, things like bribery and fraud exist, too, and wildly overpaying for something is a time-honored method to funnel money to someone illegally. Perhaps the over-priced purchase was meant to curry favor with President Elon? Perhaps it was specifically done to manipulate Xโ€™s claimed value?

I guarantee nobody at the DOJ will be looking into this, regardless.

It was over valued at $44 Billion then advertisers dropped out and Muskโ€™s purchase was dependent on the over valued Tesla Stock and now Tesla is in the crapper itโ€™s weird Morgan Stanley is betting their reputation on Muskโ€™s Two Messes.

Because valuation actually means nothing.

Elon is the king of pump and dumps. I’m not surprised.

Tldr – The bank will always protect itself. The loan terms for Twitter were likely similar to a home mortgage where Tesla shares were used as a form of down payment. If the bank reevaluates the value of X(Twitter) and finds that it’s not worth the cash spent, it will force Elon to cover the spread.

I bet you this had something to do with the margin call he’s facing if Tesla shares drop below a certain point. He used Tesla shares to leverage himself to buy Twitter. Since then, he has made Twitter a cesspool through his vision of “freedom of speech” while simultaneously censoring anything he doesn’t like or other authoritarians don’t like. Bluesky comes out and there is a shift of people and companies using both platforms and some ditching their Twitter accounts.

For a proper margin call on Twitter, the company needs to have some value. Twitter was likely purchased from a blend of leveraged Tesla stocks to cover only a portion of the loan. The other portion would be covered by the Twitter stocks itself since this is what he was purchasing. It’s the same way you pay a down payment for a mortgage, you default, the bank gets the house and your down payment.

Bankers are not interested in running a social media platform especially one that’s imploding. They’re likely re-evaluating the value of Twitter and adjusting themselves which compound the shit storm musk is facing so he pays people to pump Twitter up. If the value of your house goes up, no biggie. If the value of your house goes down, the bank will want you to cover that difference.

By suing advertisers who decided to stop advertising on the platform?

Why are you so mad about it? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚. Love it.

Dark money

Well this is certainly good news, you know, for all those Twitter shares that I currently own! Thanks for posting this stock news on this here stock trading sub!

How is a simple app that I could build in 72 hrs with a $50,000 contract worth 44 billion? Oh the users? You mean the bots? Everything is over valued nowadays to the extreme.

Mogan Stanley did the valuation, they know Musk is president. Its corruption value

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