How to Level this glass cylinder?

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How to Level this glass cylinder?
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More coins lol.

But yeah something non-flammable at 3 spots around the glass like a clock 12 is the gas line and then 3-6-9.

Ideally you could get a glass shop to cut a notch for the supply line though.

There are high temp fiber washers you can buy, but I would suggest sand. Level the glass with coins/washers, remove glass and pour sand, replace glass and use a pencil to cut a channel under glass to allow for air intake, then enjoy.

Raise the standoffs to the same height as the supply pipe. If that introduces too much air, more standoffs to close the gaps.

Are you adventurous…have spare glass?
May be fun to try to heat it and bend it in over the gas line. If you could make a jig to sit it over a pin to represent the gap needed for the gas line.
I’m thinking the holes in the bottom will give extra combustion air to make a better flame… Maybe the original glass sheltered the flame from the direct wind, and sat on the base inside the holes.

If not, maybe hit the hardware store to look for some squared off cupboard knobs or something.
Something that will just clear the gas line height.

One last thing that would work… 90 degree brackets. You could get 2 bigger black brackets that lay on their side (3, maybe 4) thick enough for your gap required, and you’d have multiple contact points around your base.

Use some nuts from the hardware store.

Cut a notch in it with a glass hole saw, make two circles one above the other , for a space for the pipe to stick out of, submerge the entire glass in water n drill under water, just the bit needs to be under, this will prevent it from shattering.

If you’ve covered all the holes with coins and the flame keeps going out it’s probably being starved of oxygen and covering it with more glass isn’t going to help the situation

Would a horseshoe work?

If it were mine, I’d fabricate a ring out of steel and weld it closed. Then cut slot for gas line and weld on tabs to hold glass. It really doesn’t need to be round, square would work. It’s just round would look better. Round peg in square hole like Coke bottle in carton. Not to nitpick but plumb would be better term.

I would just 3D print a ring like a horseshoe with a slot for the glass to sit in. You could even angle it in the process. If you don’t have 3D printer maybe a friend does or your local library.

I would think the holes are so the fire can breath. But having the glass with the bottom and top open causes air to be able to be passed quickwe which will cause problems. I would cut the glass for the gas line and put some tape around it to seal the bottom off. My guess is the heated old air will rise causing a vacume in the glass chamber to pull in more air. Pulling from under causes air to move more like a flowing river from bottom to top. When it is pulled in from the top because the bottom is sealed it creates turbulance at the top. While not good for the flame, hopfully the flame is recessed beneith the turbulance. Since turbulance have happend the air has lost movement and moves slower so your flame will not blow out. Maybe not cut the glass right away since perminate but try and see if you can seal thw bottom somehow. It might not be as hot since it is below the flame. Might get away with duct taping some aluminum foil to give the bottom a seal and some structure… don’t breath the fumes. It’s just to test to see if it is worth cutting the glass.

Glass can be sanded. A copper collar would be easy, soldering is easy to use. An ABS pipe would work to.

Make a sleeve with rolled aluminum foil and adjust as needed.

Leveling a Glass Cylinder: A Step-by-Step Guide

Leveling a glass cylinder can be a challenging task, especially when it comes to ensuring accuracy and precision. Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast, a glassworker, or a scientist, leveling a glass cylinder is crucial to achieve precise measurements, optimize performance, and prevent any potential errors. In this article, we’ll walk you through a step-by-step guide on how to level a glass cylinder with ease.

Why Leveling a Glass Cylinder is Important

Leveling a glass cylinder is essential in various applications, including:

  1. Scientific Research: In scientific experiments, precise measurements are critical. A level glass cylinder ensures accurate readings and minimizes errors.
  2. Glassworking: A level glass cylinder is vital in glassblowing, glass cutting, and glass engraving to achieve symmetrical and precise shapes.
  3. Industrial Applications: In industries like manufacturing, leveling a glass cylinder is crucial to ensure precise measurements, optimize performance, and prevent errors.

Tools and Materials Needed

To level a glass cylinder, you’ll need the following tools and materials:

  1. Glass cylinder: The glass cylinder you want to level.
  2. Leveling compound: A specialized compound used to level the glass cylinder.
  3. Spacers: Small, adjustable spacers to adjust the height of the glass cylinder.
  4. Wrench or pliers: To adjust the spacers.
  5. Glass cleaner: To clean the glass cylinder before leveling.

Step-by-Step Guide to Leveling a Glass Cylinder

  1. Clean the Glass Cylinder: Start by cleaning the glass cylinder with a glass cleaner to remove any dirt, dust, or residue.
  2. Apply Leveling Compound: Apply a small amount of leveling compound to the bottom of the glass cylinder. This compound will help the cylinder sit evenly on the surface.
  3. Adjust the Spacers: Place the glass cylinder on a flat surface and adjust the spacers to ensure it’s sitting evenly. Use a wrench or pliers to adjust the spacers.
  4. Check the Level: Use a spirit level or a laser level to check if the glass cylinder is level. Make adjustments to the spacers as needed.
  5. Secure the Glass Cylinder: Once the glass cylinder is level, secure it to the surface using adhesive or a clamp to prevent movement.
  6. Final Check: Double-check the level of the glass cylinder using a spirit level or laser level to ensure it’s accurate.

Tips and Tricks

  • Use a precision level: A precision level can help you achieve a more accurate level than a spirit level.
  • Work in a well-lit area: Good lighting can help you spot any imperfections or unevenness in the glass cylinder.
  • Be patient: Leveling a glass cylinder can take time and patience, so be prepared to make multiple adjustments.


Leveling a glass cylinder is a crucial step in ensuring accuracy and precision in various applications. By following these simple steps and using the right tools and materials, you can achieve a level glass cylinder with ease. Remember to be patient and take your time to ensure a precise and accurate level. Happy leveling!

Trying a glass cylinder to keep our gas lantern lit and protect from the wind. The gas line sticks out the side so I need some way to lift the bottom of the glass and keep it level. Any thoughts?

(The coins are covering holes that allowed the wind to blow out the flame.)

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