How to Remove Fiberglass Shards from Skin After Using a Fire Blanket
Fiberglass fire blankets are an essential tool for many outdoor enthusiasts, providing a heat-resistant barrier in emergency situations. However, their fibers can be notorious for leaving behind tiny shards that can embed themselves in your skin, causing discomfort and irritation. If you’ve ever used a fire blanket and found yourself stuck with pesky fiberglass fibers stuck to your skin, fear not! In this article, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide on how to remove fiberglass shards from skin safely and effectively.
Why Are Fiberglass Shards So Hard to Remove?
Fiberglass fibers are designed to be lightweight and heat-resistant, making them extremely effective at insulating and protecting against flames. Unfortunately, this also means that they can be quite difficult to remove from the skin, as they can break off and embed themselves deeply.
Preparation is Key
Before attempting to remove fiberglass shards from your skin, it’s essential to prepare yourself. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water to remove any remaining fibers from your skin. This will prevent them from spreading to other areas and making the removal process even more challenging.
Methods for Removing Fiberglass Shards
There are several methods you can use to remove fiberglass shards from your skin. We’ll explore each of these methods below:
Method 1: Damp Cloth or Wipe
Gently wet a clean cloth or wipe with lukewarm water. Wring out the cloth or wipe to remove excess moisture. Use the damp cloth to carefully wipe away the fiberglass fibers. Repeat the process several times until most of the fibers have been removed. Be gentle, as applying too much pressure can cause the fibers to break off and embed deeper into your skin.
Method 2: Oils or Lotions
Fiberglass fibers can be sticky, making them easier to remove with oils or lotions. Apply a small amount of coconut oil, olive oil, or petroleum jelly to the affected area. Gently massage the oil into your skin for a few minutes, then use a damp cloth or wipe to remove the fibers. Repeat the process as needed until all the fibers have been removed.
Method 3: Baking Soda Paste
Make a paste by mixing baking soda and water. Apply the paste to the affected area and let it sit for 15-20 minutes. The baking soda can help neutralize the stickiness of the fibers, making them easier to remove. Gently rinse the area with lukewarm water and repeat as needed.
Method 4: Shaving Cream
Believe it or not, shaving cream can be an effective tool in removing fiberglass shards from the skin. Apply a small amount of shaving cream to the affected area and massage it in gently. Rinse the area with lukewarm water and repeat as needed until all the fibers have been removed.
After-Care and Prevention
Once you’ve removed the fiberglass shards from your skin, take some time to moisturize and soothe the area. Apply a gentle moisturizer or aloe vera gel to help reduce redness and irritation.
To prevent fiberglass shards from getting stuck to your skin in the future, consider wearing long sleeves and gloves when handling fire blankets or other products containing fiberglass fibers.
Removing fiberglass shards from skin can be a frustrating and uncomfortable process, but with the right methods and a bit of patience, you can successfully remove them. By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be able to safely and effectively remove fiberglass fibers from your skin, minimizing the risk of irritation and discomfort.
So this Christmas, I decided to get my family a fire blanket because I kept getting cool ads on Instagram. It arrived today and of course, I had to open it to check the product.
Unfortunately, the product didn't have any warnings about the loose fiberglass shards on the packaging, so I opened it up with my bare hands. Immediately after putting the blanket away, I felt little pinpricks all over both hands (especially around my fingers). In the light, there were tiny shiny specks. My hands were glittery!
Anyways, after suffering for a bit, washing my hands numerous times, and searching online without much benefit, I decided to use tape (used regular tape, but box/duck tape is probably stronger/better) and stick/unstick it all over where I saw the shards. After a few minutes of that, I felt >90% better!
This post is for all of you out there who are considering adding a fire blanket to your homes.. DON'T touch with bare hands (use gloves) and DON'T wrap anyone with it unless reeaaally necessary (i.e. big fire on their clothes). I'm still keeping my blanket for emergency purposes, but I'm definitely warning my family not to touch it with bare hands like I did.
TLDR; use tape to remove the fiberglass shards from skin.