Huge loss of inventory

By ZanP96
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Turns out it was only a little model of a Temu warehouse with a misleading listing

That is like 88888 year worth of salary of a temu child “employee”

Oh no…


It’s made by grok. AI… it’s not real


Fake image.

That is half their stock up in flames

Haha we say this exact joke in Poland about cataclysms in the cities we consider poor.

Even the warehouse looks smaller than it should be, like a model of a warehouse.

Is this from the writers that do weekend update on snl?

Truly a tragedy, those 300,000 airpods knockoffs and ‘Guccy’ bags will be dearly missed😂

Still lower than my wasted money on Steam

Can’t sell them at Xmas . Might as well as the fire insurance to cover it

Still better than paying 5 times as much for the same product off of amazon.

this has been reposted all with some varying amount of money. last one was 256 dollars or something. yall are banal.

All jokes aside, they truly do sell absolute fucking garbage.

My Gucchhii bags! My Lewis Veeton!

Cocomelon views down 10% in china

I thought that price was a typo, until I saw what sub I’m on. Holy fuck that’s a good one

I’m more annoyed with AI than younger me thought I’d be.

The fire station should tell them they’ll spray 56,000 gallons of water on it in 5 minutes for free

Then not show up

Then when Temu calls them back, they should say we’ll be there in 10 minutes with 39,000 gallons of water for $30,000

Then not show up

Then just keep changing the deal, rinse and repeat



That sounds like the smallest warehouse on the planet.

But if you invite 5 friends, they’ll drop it to **$5!**


So, two months wages for everyone working there?? How will they ever recover?

I’ve seen this several times now and the value keeps getting cheaper

O m g!!!!! I literally hacked a laughing cough!!!!!! Y’all killing me! 🤣☠️

Laughed out loud. That’s fucking hilarious man!

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