Husband & I Locked Out of Our Bedroom: A Comedy of Errors or a Recipe for Disaster?
Have you ever experienced the frustrating and laughable situation of being locked out of your own bedroom? My husband and I did, and let me tell you, it was an unforgettable adventure.
It all started on a quiet Saturday evening, when my husband, John, decided to tackle a long-overdue organization project in our bedroom. I, being the benevolent partner, left him to his task while I ran some errands. Simple enough, right?
Well, things took a turn for the unexpected when John, in his enthusiasm, locked the door behind him without realizing that I had taken the spare key. Panic set in as I arrived back at the house to find our bedroom door securely shut and our combined attempts to coax the door open met with failure.
The initial amusement wore off quickly as reality sunk in – we were effectively locked out of our bedroom. The thought of sleeping on the couch was less than appealing, not to mention the inconvenience and added stress it would cause for the rest of our weekend.
Determined to regain access to our beloved bedroom, we embarked on a series of misadventures. We jiggled the door, kicked the door, even attempted to squeeze through a window (not recommended). You’d be surprised at the creative solutions we concocted in our frustration.
After what felt like an eternity, we took a step back, assessing the situation with a hint of humor. We remembered that we had a friend staying over the night and asked if we could join them for the evening, thereby securing a temporary place to crash.
As the night unfolded, we managed to extract ourselves from this predicament, albeit a bit sheepishly. A phone call to a trusty handyman friend rescued us, unlocking the bedroom door with ease.
While being locked out of your bedroom might seem like a minor issue, it turned out to be a turning point in our weekend. It reminded us to always keep a spare key, appreciate the little things (like having a functioning door), and to never underestimate the power of a little creativity (and a strong friend network).
So, if you find yourself facing a similar predicament, take a deep breath and laugh it off. Chances are, you’ll be reunited with your bed (and your sanity) before you know it.
The door knob on the other side has a push pin lock thing on one side of the handle. This hole that is pictured is the only hole on this side of the knob. We’ve tried tiny flathead screwdriver, safety pin, drivers license but no luck. Anyone have suggestions how to?
That little hole to the left should be a fail safe to let you in. See if a mini screw driver can go in and turn. I would imagine your way in is connected to that someway.
Kool-Aid man your way in
It’s a push lock. You need to find something like a large paper clip, bend it open and then push directly into the hole with it. You might have to try a few times to hit the release and it may take more pressure than you’d think.
Hope it works. I’ll wait for the that’s-what-she-said comments in the meantime…
Whenever you manage to get in, spend ample time figuring out how to make this not happen again. Could literally be a life or death thing in the case of fire or if you have a kid and they lock themselves in there or whatever
We had our handyman come and help remove the knob to get inside finally. We will be putting a new handle with a different lock style so it doesn’t happen again. Thank you everyone for your comments and help! You guys are the best.
Poke something into that little hole at 9oclock on the handle flange. Press into that hole and try turing the door knob. Maybe use a flashlight to look into that hole and see of there’s anything to press.
Qtip, toothpick, cell phone simcard pin.
Use an old credit card jammed into the striker
Do you have any wooden cuticle sticks? I have learned that the thin ones with flat/tapered ends slide straight into that interior mechanism perfectly. Then just twist gently and it’ll pop open.
Edit: [this kind](
Idk if I can post links here, but basically, it might have been installed wrong, as the hole is supposed to be closes to the edge of the door. From the video I seen, they did have to push in a fair amount directly back, but again, seems like that outside faceplate is on backwards.
Did you stick the small screwdriver in the hole and press the button?
Remove the quarter-round molding on the right hand side to have great access to depress the latch.
I have to know, did you ever get in?
Release hole could be on the wrong side. Drill a small hole in the other side and try finding the release there.
This happened to me once too, cheap doorknob so I removed the problem
Did you ever get in your door?
That isn’t a standard safety release. It’s not inline with the locking mechanism like every indoor lock I’ve seen. I’m guessing you will have to do something else like turn the knob while pushing on the release. Sometimes they do take a little bit of force to pop open.
Stressed for you. Did you get in? Asking for many of us.
Use a flashlight and look into the hole to see what you have to do. You might have to pop the handle off. Look for a thin rectangle button on the shaft. Press it in and slide handle off. Then pop off the piece on the door and unscrew
Get a plastic sheet reasonably thick (a nylon sheet, a document cover, an old credit card) insert it between the door and the wall diagonally, downwards, trying to jiggle to get below the latch. Once you feel you are under the latch, open the door.
I had to do it too many times.
Did you try a paperclip ?
I’ve used a straighten out paperclip to open dozens of these kinds of doors
Toothpick is strong enough to pop it open
To lock it, is it a push button or is it the type you turn?
If it’s a push button – just need a pin/nail/allen key or something that can fit in the hole and find the button to push it out (takes some fishing sometimes)
If it’s the type you turn, you’ll need to find something with a flathead end on it and you have to find the pin inside and turn it once the flathead has locked into it… our bathroom locks are like this and the doorknob came with a little pin with a flathead end on it
Classic husband too scared to ask for directions.
Bobby pin, in that hole, easy peasy.
Can you take the pin out of the door hinges?
A hammer or a mallet will knock that handle right off. A sufficiently sized mallet should then punch the other side out.
A knitting needle works well.
So that’s a door knob that controls a latch. Grab the big round thing and turn it. It should release. 😉
Lmfao wow
Just tell your husband to run full speed into the door without stopping, the door will chicken out and open before he hits it, dw about it, I’ve done this hundreds of times! Make sure to record and share for evidence that I’m not lying!
Looks like the door opens away from you. Give it a firm firemans kick
There are a few products on a few shopping websites that can help. Search for “Interior Door Key for Bedroom Door, Bathroom Door Key Pin for Door Knob Lock”
When you get them, place one on top of the doorframe of each door that can be locked this way.
Keep a couple more in the junk drawer.
Maybe try calling local locksmith see if they would know any tricks without having to actually call them out some are willing to help over the phone for little stuff like that
Get a cutall, it cuts all!
Go in through the window.
Feel top of casing for the l shape key. Typically where installers leave them.
Pro tip – break the end off of a q-tip and use the stick by pushing in that little hole to unlock it.
Can you push the door at all to see between the door itself and where it latches into the doorframe? If yes, get a flathead screwdriver or a card and try to get it between the latch and the doorframe. You may have to jiggle it a bit but if you get the right spot it will pop open