Husband left the shepherds pie I spent 3 hours making out overnight now it’s garbage

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I’ve been that husband. Felt awful. Was too hot to put in the fridge so “I’ll put it in later”
That wasn’t a fun sight in the morning when I made coffee.

He makes dinner tonight! Or he takes you out to eat at a great restaurant 😊

Shepherds pie is too good for that. I believe this is an actual crime.

Mine left a whole barely eaten turkey out a few months ago . So I understand. *Hugs*

I’d still eat it. Send it over.

I knew someone who would make a chilli, leave it in the saucepan on the stovetop and just take a portion out to reheat for around 2-3 days lol

Just another example of how reddit would be the absolute last place i would ever go for advice.

We work in teams. Both of us check dining table and kitchen to make sure everything is put in the fridge or freezer. WE leave things out when things are left out.

Not garbage for me. I’d put it in my backyard there’s nothing in there that’s really bad for the raccoons or squirrels, at least I’d get satisfaction knowing I fed something

Could explain with scientific reasoning and logical conclusions why leaving this out overnight is 100% fine, but the people who have this sort of “if it’s out for longer than an hour at room temp it’s poison” phobia really aren’t going to change their mind.

If anyone actually cares about my reasoning, let me know, but otherwise it’s a waste of time.

How did it take you 3 hours to make Sheperd’s Pie? Genuinely asking

One time my boyfriend made a HUGE amount of chicken fried rice. I forgot to put it in the fridge. I felt so bad when I woke up.

He was mad. We spitballed and I said, you know people in other countries don’t even have fridges. They keep their leftovers in a pantry. ….

We nuked the living shit out of it and ate off it for 3 more days.

We did not die.

Nah, still good.

These comments are why I don’t trust other people cooking food I eat.

Like hell it is. Recook it and it’ll be fine(source: your grandmother, my grandmother, any person who grew up without a fridge)

Why would you throw it out? It isn’t going to spoil in 8 hours.

As a chef I’d say toss it, as a hungry stoner, straight in the microwave and down the hatch

The comments here are either “oh yeah I’d still eat that” or “you need to divorce now.”

That might make me cry.
But my dogs would think I was God🤣

I left things outside fridge often (I’m an autistic asshead) and eat them next day and didn’t die yet.

I couldn’t thrash something so delicious like that. Just microwave it enough before eating.

Not garbage! Eat it. It’s fine.

Overnight? So it’s been sitting for, what, 14 hours? It’s fine.


Your husband next time.

3 hour poison pie 🥧 🤣

I’d pack it for his lunch box the next few days

The real question is you made out with it for 3 hours?

I would still eat it.


Leaving it out overnight just dried it out a bit. Unless it’s like some super perishable item it’s going to be fine… Just heat it back to 165 or whatever

Just feed it to him for the rest of the week.

That is so fkn annoying!

A lot of people here are admitting to having no idea about food safety protocols.

I wouldn’t eat it anymore, but I would never make shepherds pie again for him.

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