Husband was right. The 65in TV I got him was totally worth it.

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This is like when you go to a party in a big ass house and everyone crams into the kitchen anyway

This room configuration is confusing.

sitting 3 inches from the television, always been the poor man’s “big screen” 😆

I see you finally broke down and got yourself a plasma TV. It even folds right into the wall. 

Your title is fun, no doubt.

As a dad … all I see is love. Being in a cramped position because … kids… and we love them.

Merry Christmas.🤶🏻 🎅🏼🎄♥️


That movie was very good.

r/TVTooHigh and r/tvjustright in one pic is quite an accomplishment.

Tilt of shame.

Well it’s playing Turning Red. That movie is surprisingly quite good.

After reading some of the judgemental comments I just wanted to say it sounds like you guys are doing an awesome job. Merry Christmas.

It’s you daughter watching the film in seiza? Even when I was young this was very uncomfortable

This is actually really wholesome 🙂

Turning Red was such a good movie. We’ve seen it a TON of times.

I bought a couch so I’d use the living room more. I’ve used it 5-8 times and I’ve had it for over a year. 😂 Side note: I love your curtains. Do they light up or is it just a reflection from the tree?

Looks like you got yourself a 65”

Consider this a win

Your husband is being an excellent father. My best memories are watching movies on a small black and white TV with my Dad next to me. A++++ to your hubby.

Me and my cousins would do the same thing, we had a big tv in the living room but would all crowd around a MINI DVD player 😂

Good dad hanging with the kids. Be proud of your dude

Focusing on the kids interest you have a keeper which I’m sure you already realized since the kid is there have a merry Christmas I wish the best for your family!

That’s adorable. What does she have in her hair? I feel like I need one.

My wife does this. She watches shows on her iphone 15 pro then the 65in oled tv we have. I just don’t get it lol.

Merry Christmas OP.

Why is it mounted like that

Beautiful family OP! Merry Christmas!

Tell the mini human to back away from the monitor. Unless she wants short eye sight.

I’m reminded of an old painting from a few years involving fireworks outside of an apartment, and the family watching it on a flat screen. It was on the back of Reader’s Digest.

I love this photo because clearly your husband prioritises spending time with and watching something with the kids on the small ass TV, than watching someone alone.

Cherish this!

Plex FTW!

Don’t let your kids watch TV.

This just screams to me that your family actually likes each other.

I don’t know why, but this picture just evokes emotion from me. This here is a man, a husband, a father, a dad who loves his family. 

It’s the exact opposite of that Fresh Prince scene. Damn.


Looks like a 45″

Fits right into the wall.

This man would rather be crammed on a couch with his kids watching a movie on a tiny TV than to be in front of the big, new TV. Respect to this great father.

Tell them not to sit too close to the damn tv

Oh no. It’s Hisense.

Micheal Scott would be very proud.

A day together is a life long memory. I grew up watching TV with my dad. The ability to relate with each other about the show is priceless. Him showing interest in something you like is priceless. It may not look like it, but your kids are making memories. Ask them about the show when they are done. The three will be able to tell you about it together.

Who the hell is responsible for picking the tv locations in this house?!

Ugh the tilt of guilt

You gotta get a bulb with a warmer color temp for that room, it’s like a cafeteria in there. A 2700k or 3000k would be way more comfortable, the current one is probably 4000k.

A dad spending quality time with his kids. I wish mine had done that more often.

Core memories being formed

As a recent android TV adapter I highly recommend you install Projectivy Launcher on your android TV. It removes all the Google ad crap u/bqwhitney

The kid picking his nose really pulls this together

You stated that you’ve effectively got two living rooms: one for the adults and one for the kids. Based on that, your stance is way off-base to me.

Your kids are following the rules and using the area designated for them instead of invading the “adult” space. Your husband is putting his own comfort and entertainment aside to spend quality time with the kids. If this isn’t an all around win and worthy of having the 65” during the down time when it can be appreciated, idk what is.

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