Hypocrisy, thy name is Republican!

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The party of tax cuts for trust fund babies wanted to keep prices high so they’d have something to campaign on besides “fear the woke agenda”.

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GOP is the enemy of the people.

No secret that GOP loyalties are first and foremost to billionaires, hedge funds and big oil. They convinced nearly 77 million Americans that they’re very concerned about the lowly plebs that don’t have private Gulfstreams. Turns out the 2006 movie Idiocracy was actually a documentary about the future.

Senate Republicans couldn’t even be bothered to show up to the meeting and blocked several of Biden’s Federal Reserve nominees.
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Republicans don’t care. They live in alternate reality so it must have been the dems who voted no

And the average Trump voter doesn’t know and doesn’t care to know.

T’was in the name of not allowing their opposition a win. Republicans are fucking dumb assholes.

This type of shit is what needs to be hammered home before an election. Keep showing them exactly what maga and gop stand for.

A couple years ago, the Democrat governor of Kansas tried to end food sales tax, and the republican house forced the state to ween off of it over the course of several years instead of all at once.

And, still Republican voters continue to vote for them, after all the harm they’ve done.

One day I brought up corporate price gouging to my mom, who is MAGA. I used Kroger as an example and told her about their lawsuit.

Her response was, “Hmph.” Then she changed her response to talk about the expenses of eggs and how it was really that minimum wage is rising and farmers can’t afford to pay for labor.

No fucking clue. It’s like you give them a reasonable explanation and they have to make up these stupid arguments about why the working man shouldn’t be paid liveable wages and how the poor corporations are the victims. It’s wild.

Well, yeah, they didn’t want the economy to improve while Biden was President.

And the people who voted for them, decided to blame the other side….

bOtH sIdEs aRe tHe sAmE!


They create problems so they can try and campaign on them but in the end don’t end up doing jack shit except sucking up money and helping the rich

America, please stop being surprised that the Republican Party are just a bunch of c**ts. Sincerely, rest of world.

Its not hypocrisy, its prioritizing elections over anything, at any cost. Republican want continued power to promote social control.

Your message wasn’t heard clearly otherwise the election outcome would have been different. Never saw an election like 2024 where voters have voted against their own self interests simply because a woman candidate was running. They deserve to get who they vote for.

the problem is MAGA doesn’t care about the truth or facts, the MAGA leaders just have to lie on tv and it’s no longer an issue…

Can we somehow compile a list of everything that could have passed but the Republican party blocked?

Republicans are anti american. they’re all russian stooges.

Inflation was just transitory and the office of the president didn’t have a hand in oil prices. It was determined by a free market. I remember these excuses lobbed out. Seems hypocrisy knows no bounds and is not partial to one political party over the next.

If they voted “yes” the democrat would have gotten all the credit AND they couldn’t use it to rage-bait people into voting for them.

It’s white-collar professional wrestling man. Everyone follows the script.

What do you expect, Republicans are driving this country back into the caves.

Kinda like how they killed the border bill just to say “look how bad it is, we didn’t pass the bill we killed”

They’ll sure show thise brown/trans folks tho…

Justice died this year, now we’re along for the ride.

Just wait until you experience what happens next!

Why wasn’t this dem lesdership front line message?

The big con by the orange don, and you thought 2020 was a dumpster fire, 2025 says hold my beer!

Ah, but they all voted for a guy whose economic policies will create higher inflation. Makes absolutely no sense at all.

Apparently, no one remembers Trumps 1st term in office either.

They always vote against their own best interests just to have something to complain about the Democrats and their lack of accomplishments.
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But, but … the trans people [clutches pearls]!

All they do is lie

We already know these type of things. But we look below the surface. We look at actual votes in Congress and things like that. The maggots only know what their buddy told him about gas prices.

No. This makes sense
You have to let companies do whatever they want.
And then blame the high prices on liberals.

it was all done on purpose. Same with the boarder deal. They tried to run the US into the ground to make Biden look bad and people fell for it

This is why normal people hate Republicans.

I’m deep red state and this is reason #19383928832 I would never vote Republican. They are NOT for the working class.

The Republican control over the media (FoxNews, Sinclair, Joe Rogan, etc) is so powerful now that they can do this just to prevent something positive happening when they aren’t in the drivers seat and suffer no consequences.

Of course, it doesn’t help that the Democrats can’t campaign on these issues since it apparently upsets their donors…

This time around Bidens admin tried to pass a border security bill. Republicans voted no or blocked the bill from going up for a vote.

And it’s only going to get worse with the tariff increases

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