I also assumed it just randomly caught on fire

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Considering they could be bricked when going through a car wash, exploding into flames seems plausible.

After all the other stories of this joke of a truck… The broken frames, the bricking from going through puddles, the inability the drive offroad or on snow, the panels coming off, the accelerator getting stuck, etc etc…. I just went: “hmm… Add another one to the list!”

List of things the Cybertruck is surprising good at hauling:

* Fire

No joke, when my wife said “Hey a CyberTruck exploded in front of Trump’s place” I assumed she meant Mara-Lago and immediately thought “that’s just Elon’s, he left it parked there and it exploded.”

One did catch fire and burned the passengers to death because they got trapped inside.

This was obviously a different story because it was done on purpose. No clue what kind of message they were trying to send but is definitely something since it was a Tesla in front of a trump hotel

I am genuinely shocked it was intentional
I am also shocked it need assistance to do that

They usually just go up for zero reason.

I thought it seemed rather coincidental that one would explode directly in front of a Trump building.

But a cybertruck exploding on its own? … yeah, nothing out of the ordinary here.

I mean, I figured someone probably caused the fire. Maybe left a cigarette burning, or something. I didn’t think it was an attack, but I definitely thought it was a statement.

I’m still not sure how they know for sure it was intentional. 

It being in front of a Trump business did seem quite pointed, but I’m not complaining lol

I mean are we really sure it was intentional ? Because transporting gas and fireworks together sound exactly like something a cybertruck owner would do.

That was my original reaction when it started spreading. I was like “oh, that’s a funny coincidence.”

Yeah, I just went “standard” when I first heard

I can just hear some elon stan who bought one of these things scratching their head watching it go up in flames and go “…Still love my truck.”

Another completely unrelated Tesla exploded the very same day, seemingly for no reason.

1/3rd of all Tesla’s sold have been recalled now

Just like a smartphone going up in smoke in your pocket, I guess

My first contact with Teslas was ten years back, hitchhiking in an oldtimer RV on the Autobahn in Germany, when the driver said to his s/o: “Oh look, it’s still going”, and then explained to me that he meant a Tesla driving with us on the Autobahn and that he repaired EVs for a living and that Teslas were known for standing on the Autobahn burning, as some wires were too thin to handle the power needed for the Autobahn with no speed limit.

So yeah, Tesla vehicles spontaneously erupting in flames is part of their lore since the beginning.

One literally caught on fire by itself in a dealership parking lot. So not 100% out of the realm that this one did so as well.

when we first heard about it my husband figured it might be intentional, and I confidently shot him down because I just figured a cybertruck could spontaneously ‘splode 😂

Given that Trump is all about very obvious symbolism, given that he has dementia or is at least addled, and given how annoyed he has been at people saying its clearly Musk in charge, I wonder is the thought that this was actually some attack/warning by Musk working its way through his elderly brain?

If so things could get interesting between the two, especially if Trump has any sort of PTSD from the assassination attempt during his campaigning.

Man, I didn’t expect the craziness of 2025 to start off so early 

Literally exactly what my partner said when I told him 😆

This is exactly where I was when I started seeing the headlines.

Right? Teslas are in the news all the time for bursting into flames and torching ppls houses in the process. I thought it was a typical Tesla torch at first.

I remember reading about one of these things spontaneously combusting and burning some folks’ house down after being submerged in floodwater during hurricane Helene.  They do, in fact, do that sometimes.

What are the insurance rates on these rolling disasters?

Naw, they don’t ‘explode’ per se, just burn like a sonofabitch when they get going.

Honestly I don’t want to leave it out of the realm of possibility that this guy was just a trump supporting musk lover carrying a ton of fireworks who got roasted when he turned the car on

I originally thought it was a Y2K situation

Haha, that’s a good point.
“Reports indicate a death toll as high as 168. Authorities say they are as yet unable to ascertain if the cause of the ‘truck’ exploding was in part due to poor manufacturing or the striking possibility that this could infact be a deliberate terrorist attack. More news as the hour unfolds…”

One blew up yesterday in a parking lot in DeKalb County GA. News said battery was the suspected cause.

Like setting a Pinto on fire.

And yet people will still buy them.


They may catch fire; they do not suddenly explode.

Ppl and their fantasy on electric vehicles. They catch fire just as much as regular internal combustion engines. It’s just fascinating that there’s such heat for engineered products as opposed to diabolical, greed, violence, etc., etc. Why are people so hooked on hating an electric vehicle of all things?

If you were one of the people laughing at this attack and evading the fact it was clearly intentional from the very beginning, you’re spending too much time on mindless subreddits like this one and it has rotted you brain.

Serendipity like a Tesla exploding in front of a Trump hotel on New Years Day doesn’t happen on accident. You chose laugh at it.

Seven people are dead. It was a terrorist attack.

that cyber truck shit was a plant to throw people off from the battery recall they’re doing, which probably does explode. also lucky for Tesla there was a terrorist attack in New Orleans, now no one will give a fuck about the batteries.

So it was an attack?? lol. I thought it just blew up

Ive never seen a electric car explode. Catch fire yes. Be impossible to put out? Yes. Explode? No.

The fireworks in the end were just part of an Easter egg

It was extremely obvious that it wasn’t a battery thermal event from the first videos released.

I just assumed it got as wet as Elon gets Bruce Jenner and automatically caught on fire.

My wife showed me the video and I said that there was no way it wasn’t a bomb.
I have the great gift of not falling for propaganda. So I can see through information when it’s presented to me.

Edit: yes, there is a condescending tone.

Elon Musk is a terrorist who illegally stayed inside the border. Death penalty. He’s targeting Trump Tower. Cancel him back to Africa

Because they let their hate of musk cloud their judgement

Just as magas do the other way around

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