I am not in danger. I am the danger.

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Call an ambulance, BUT NOT FOR ME

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A truly Herculean power move

That toddler venom

“… you just don’t get it, you are trapped in here with ME!!”

Heracles has been reincarnated! (Iirc he also kills some snakes as a baby)



I like the image bubble. “Here’s an artist’s rendition of what the snake might have looked like when she bit the sumbitch”

“I’ve heard another rumour, that you were bitten by a king cobra?”

“Yeah, I was. But after five days of agonising pain, the cobra died.”

Toddler 1, Snake 0


Snake Eater.
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Australia has entered the room…

I always knew girl germs were a real thing in kindergarten. Case proven.

An eye for an eye, a bite for a bite was it?


And so it begins , enjoy your last 20 years. she looks more like Ripley than Sarah Conner to me but either way we fucked .

Going to be famous in school.

“You are trapped in here with me…”

That child had Hercules Blessing by herside so she would have a nice athele future ahead

That’s not a girl.
That’s the reincarnation of Athena.

What’s going on with that hand there?

Dats’ pure freaking fucking GURL POWER



Zeus’ got some explaining to do

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