I am officially old but since when do videogames have a “give up” button

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Not a “give up” option, but the first time I remember a prompt of “you seem to be having trouble here, do you want to lower the difficulty?” was in the original God of War from 2005.

How tf is is 36-0 after the 1st quarter???

its called the mercy rule. 36-0 damn just take it bro its a wrap for you

Madden has always had an option to concede, at least going back to Madden 07

Since forever. It’s just usually been the power button or alt+f4.

Chessmaster had one in 1986.

Actually it’s pretty common. Especially for games with rankings. I’d rather just push through to the end but a lot of people would rather end the game early and start a new one then drag it on if they know they are gonna lose.

36-0 in the first quarter were you playing with ur eyes closed 😭

Madden went too light on you it should’ve forced uninstalled the game

Bro it started when you went 36-0 in the Second Quarter

Imagine subliminally dissing the younger generations while being down 36-0

Oh no user friendly game design

The surrender option has been in a lot of games since absolutely forever, what are you on about.

Especially true for RTS games where matches are 99% won by the other player surrendering after an overwhelming amount of disadvantage, no one waits around for the real wincondition.

Back in my day, someone would just DM me and tell me I suck and should quit. One time I came back and beat one of those assholes. Very satisfying.

“I AiNT hEAr No BeLL”
-Randy Marsh

And you apparently 😂

God of War (I or II) had an achievement for getting your ass kicked and accepting the downgrade to easy mode lmao

The game is trying to do you a favor, you should listen.

“Your cheeks clapping is waking the neighbors, cut it out.”

Only thing I’ve seen like that was in GTAV. So it’s been since, at least, 2013.

‘Oh, you failed a mission 3 times. Skip?’

Sorry. Homey don’t play that.

Bruh, 4 minute quarters and you’re getting blown away at the end of the 1st 36-0. The game is doing you a favor

Ninja Gaiden after completely destroying you suggesting you play on ninja dog mode because you suck

36 to 0……. damn boi you gettin COOKED

When you’re 36-0 on the first quarter, the game gives you an out and saves the opponent the rest of the game to play against someone who can challenge them.

Bashing your head against a wall to beat something that is clearly outside of your skill range *in a video game being played for fun* is just sad.

Everything should have a concede option. I’m not here to become the best player in the world I’m here to enjoy myself, and when that’s not happening I’d like to be taken to a match where I can, thanks.

I dont know ever hear of a skunk rule?

This gives “I have a real chance at competing with professional athletes if I try hard enough” energy. Go for it champ, we’re right behind you

The “Give Up” button has always been there. It just used to be called the “Power Off and Put a Different Game in the Console” button.

When you’re getting spanked 36-0

Since you’re 36-0 at the end of the first quarter.

Just messing with you, but I remember God of war on the PS2 would ask if you want to switch to an easier difficulty if you died too many times in the same spot

The oldest game I can think of off the top of my head is chess, and chess grandmasters resign all the time when in overwhelmingly disadvantageous games. Its not a matter of “giving up because you are a bit behind” but simply not spending the extra time playing out a games that are clearly decided. If you’re down 36 in the first quarter your path to victory is essentially hoping the opponent disconnects. You’re the coughing baby in the hydrogen bomb meme, the game is just asking if you would like to avoid another 3 quarters of punishment. All you have to do is say no and move on.

Since at least God of War 1, so like 2005? Probably earlier.

Well if they’re going to discourage players from continuing games where they’re getting their ads kicked, why even make the Jets a playable option?

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