I am shooketh

By Tails28
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“I used to like RATM, but then they became too political” – an idiot.

Being anti fascist doesn’t make you a communist

Your favourite bands from the 90’s didn’t suddenly become left leaning or progressive. You just always lacked the basic media literacy. Honestly what do they think Rage Against The Machine was upset about, a fucking dishwasher?

It’s not new, but it’s nice. THIS MACHINE KILLS FASCISTS. 


MAGA tears, anyone?

The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.
Go Tom Morello!
Good work.

Fascists: “Disagreeing with you is not the same as being a nazi.”

Also fascists: “Nooo, because you disagree with fascism, that makes you a communist.”

And this whole time I thought they were raging against the communist machine. Shocked, shocked I tell you.

Wait wait wait, the band that actively used Che Guevara in their imagery and regularly disparaged the CIA in their lyrics WERE COMMUNIST!???

Those Rage against the machine “fans” not realizing the machine they were raging against is their orange cult leader

If that’s you’re reaction to anti-Nazi messaging, you might be a Nazi.

They’ll always have Lee Greenwood.

Eat themmmm (nom nom the rich taste…rotten, take over leopards ❤️)

I love how none of these idiots knows what communism actually is.

In the interview from Musk with Alice Weidel, which is a far right politician (AFD) in Germany, Weidel said that Hitler was a communist 🤣

Rage was always commies! Great guitar riffs, though.

Nazis Fuck Off!

They didn’t change – you did.

This reminds me of the time radio conservatives wanted to boycott certain music groups for speaking out against the war. One of the groups on the list was Public Enemy. If you listen to PE, I seriously doubt you’re going to be for the war or a Bush supporter.

And how come no one says “shut up and sing” to Ted Nugent, Kid Rock and others? I hope RATM, Public Enemy and others continue to speak out and speak loud.

Does he mean the band whose most famous song begins with the lines referencing police being KKK members?

Excuse my language but fuck them for trying to normalize fascism.

Rage Against the Machine “fans” upset that they rage against the machine…

When being against Nazis is a Maga trigger

I love it when fashy fucks come for Morello and RATM, revealing they have never listened to a single thing those guys have said or sang about.

Everything you disagree or don’t like = communism

Hating Nazis makes you a communist? Lol what world are we living in?

Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses.

I think the definition of “communist” has lost it’s meaning, somehow. 🙄

Real nazi’s or just whoever is designated TODAY as a political nazi because I disagree with them politically? RATM has always been far left. Tim hasn’t moved. His fans have.

I mean, they can attach themselves to Snoop now.

Gotta love libertarians. “We’re actually the least like Nazis of any group!”.

“Sweet, Nazi lives don’t matter”

“Shut your mouth you filthy commie”.


I used to like a lot of rock bands and then they went maga. I simply don’t listen anymore. Stained and trapt are 2 of the most prominent I can’t think of right now

Im surprised at how many kids I knew in hs that loved RATM and now they are bootlicking fascists supporters.

I covered a lot of RATM back in high school, 20 years ago. We played Bulls on Parade, Sleep Now in The Fire, and Renegades of Funk for the talent show. I can still remember the look on our drummer’s face when he started to read the lyrics the day of the show. He was a die-hard republican and never bothered to analyze the words lol. His favorite was Killing in The Name. SMH

My favorite animal is Conservatives/MAGA’s realizing the bands they loved so much absolutely hate them. It was hilarious to me when they got mad at Green Day for changing American Idiot’s lyrics from “redneck agenda” to “MAGA Agenda” like.. how do you NOT KNOW?

So ww2 america was communist?

Not supporting Nazis is communism? Did he just say that?

They’ve always been anti-establishment…
Punk scene is always far left of the political spectrum.

Became!? I hate how many never actually listened to Rage’s lyrics.

I’d enjoy telling people that Tom Morello:
1. Is of African and Italian descent
2. His father was a Kenyan Diplomat
3. Graduated from Harvard with a degree in Political Science

I’d also like to watch them read the lyrics they ignored in the 90s00s, but they are illiterate.

I hate that so many Americans are sympathetic towards Nazis.

We might have to go around like our grandparents and great grandparents did killing Nazis instead of being able to just live peacefully. That is terrifying to me and anyone else with a level head.

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