I bet she felt really proud of herself.

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Just remember- When you give the speech at your University graduation, that you never would have made it without her helping you with your homework!

Save this and show her when she gets older, I’m sure she will like

aw, who wouldn’t love a sister like that?

i can’t decide what’s more heartwarming the little sister trying to help or the older sibling being so kind about it.

he really said “donโ€™t worry bro, I got you” and pulled out the apple method ๐Ÿ˜ญ

oh so cute sister you have..it made me smile….

I used to help tutor younger kids when I was in school, and I learned that little kids LOVE being โ€œthe teacherโ€. It really helps them retain new skills, too. Show them how to do something, then pretend that you forgot or made a mistake that you need help to fix. They get more practice, and they feel smart for helping a Big Kid. Itโ€™s a confidence builder, kind of in the same vein of pretending a high five hurt because the kid is too strong, or pretending to lose at a race because the kid is too fast. They have to learn to lose eventually, but first they need the confidence to try.

Kids are the sweetest๐Ÿ˜ญโค๏ธ

The apples and shit really sealed the deal on this being adorable.

You are the hero your sister deserves!

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Yup, this made me smile, thank you, lol

Can she help you learn punctuation?


Youโ€™ll love her even more as you both get older!

Cherish these times, it will make a great story in the future

So wholesome ๐Ÿ˜Œย 

That girl is probably graduated at this point. Iโ€™ve seen this repost so much.

Thatโ€™s how newton discovered gravity

With my lil sis, it’ll go something like this:

Lil sis: Need help with your homework?

Me: Yeah, sure.

Lil sis: Haha, you’re stupid. MOOOMMMMM, SIS IS STUPIDDDD

Me: *Chasing her all the way to mom*

My older kid will be 12 by the time the younger one turns 6. I hope they have this kind of relationship!

Probably Floridian?

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