I blame TBS

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“My father worked in profanity the way other artists might work in oils or clay. It was his true medium, a master.”
No pretending here. Love this movie. To each their own I guess. People seem to love Elf but personally, I absolutely hate that flick for example.


I couldn’t disagree more, I find it to be one of the most charming and *honest* Christmas movies out there, and rewatching it as an adult with a critical lens has reinforced my opinion. The absolute worst I would say is that the plot can be a little unfocused.

I like it. 
I like that it’s a story about wanting something really bad to the point of obsession and once you get, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. And moments with loved ones are more important.
Also like the whole leg lamp plot
And the bullies seemed real

Nice try, Black Bart.

Careful either those opinions man, you’ll shoot your eye out


Christmas Story is my favorite Christmas movie. I watch it every year and still love it.




Excuse me? lol.

I watch A Christmas Story every year. The whole thing is in codespeak so as to trick 1980’s audiences into watching a film criticizing 1940’s culture with an empathetic male narrator. The burdens of strict gender roles weigh heavily on the parents, as told by the son, and if you pay attention they are actually moderates for the time. They are all victims of an oppressive culture that needed to be vanquished.

All this is driven home by the ending, which victoriously castes aside all social conventions as they have Christmas dinner at a Chinese restaurant. The failed attempts of the staff to sing Christmas Carols clearly illustrates how ridiculous trying to conform looks, and the quick thinking of the chef by chopping off the duck’s head demonstrates how comically easy it is to accommodate people’s differences.

Go, now, wash your mouth out with soap — cuzz the other kid got a beating.

I enjoy watching it every year, wtf you talking about

OP is actually generation X.

I rewatched it yesterday and it was funnier than I remembered tbh

Did Scutt Farkus post this?

I like it


I love a Christmas story, we watch it every year!

Pfft I still quote this on the regular. 

I have an argument yearly about why I cannot have a leg lamp with my husband. 

And every year since he was 6 i’ve used the “you’ll shoot your eye out” defense on why my son can’t have an airsoft or those damn gel bead guns.

I’m a pretty big fan

There’s a ton worse Xmas movies than this

Shit I love it

This is my favorite Xmas movie ever so

I like it. I don’t sit and watch it for 24 hours straight, but it’s nice to have on as background noise when my family is opening presents.

He looks like a deranged Easter Bunny!

I don’t think i have ever seen a movie more relatable than this. I had basically the same child hood, every time i watch it, hits me in the feels and i dont even celebrate Christmas.

The bullies, the daydreaming in class, licking the flagpole double dares, obsessing over toys or gimmicks, yucky home cooked meals, parents fighting, dad working in profanity like an artist works in oils, helping your father and then getting in deep trouble over a stupid accident, the list goes on through the whole movie…

Shut up Randy

My mom loves it and it became part of the Xmas tradition

He’s smiling at me!

I love it & it reminds me of my older brother who passed away. He was the one that got me started on the tradition of watching at least once every year!
It’s a comfort movie to me now.

This post is all outside the margins. F.

There are so many movies I could say this about, A Christmas Story is not one

I actually just watched it for the first time on Christmas Eve, I’m 32. It… honestly was really interesting. I don’t think it would have worked if the future adult Ralph didn’t narrate the way he did. Honestly the mom is my personal favorite character.

How dare they. I have a full size replica Leg Lamp glowing in my front window. It’s an incredible movie, funny, nostalgic and surprisingly heartwarming, with lots of quotable lines.

Literally everything a Christmas movie should be.

I can’t downvote this enough.

You’ll shoot your eye out! This movie is so funny. Not pretending to love it 😊

Hard disagree. I really love this movie. My wife and daughter also performed the musical version a few years ago which just endeared it to me even more. Also, I really like A Christmas Story Christmas sequel they made with a lot of the original cast.

We’ll speak for yourself. I really like A Christmas Story

OP you are not in the majority on this one.

Fuuuuddgge no!

I LOVE IT! Nothing gets me more in the holiday spirit than this movie.

I love A Christmas Story

I’m a huge fan so nope – I can’t back this

A Christmas Story is fantastic

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