I bought a pack of Kirby stickers for my son off Amazon, and this was one of them:

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I got a pack of these from my SIL’s mom for Christmas a couple years ago and my favorite one is just a pic of Kirby looking so happy and it says “war criminal” 😂

And don’t forget to “Eat hot chip and lie”

This is a pretty common tongue-in-cheek slogan in the queer community

I ordered a similar pack for a Kirby-themed birthday party and got one with Kirby that says “War Criminal” underneath him.

Please provide the link for this pack of stickers. I need this sticker in my life.

Well, you heard him. Be gay do crime

firstly, this is very silly and i love it. be gay do crime.

secondly, a lot of sticker packs you buy online in places like amazon, temu, aliexpress, etc are just filled with stolen art and memes. whoever made these stickers probably googled “kirby” and stole the top 50 images. you’re better off buying official stickers or stickers from small artists on places like etsy and ko-fi

My wife bought some premade Hulk themed goodie bags for my sons 6th birthday party. She opened one up and mixed into the various cheap crap was a Hulk sticker. Not just any Hulk stick thought – this was Hulk if full leather daddy getup with chaps and a cigar. Good thing she checked as I’m sure the preschool teacher would have gotten some calls…..

Amazon is almost unusable anymore as its loaded with so much Chinese bullshit.

May as well…

I have a pin with an opposum and rainbow that says this! It’s one of my favs

Better than “swallow everything”

I have a shirt with this slogan! It’s a really common saying in the queer community

I want to put this one on my motorcycle.

it’s perfect

I got a pack of Kirby stickers and one of them was Kirby brandishing a butcher knife.

hell yeah

Solid advice

Correction: you bought fake Kirby stickers and happened to get the best one possible

Well ok if you say so…

“Go do a crime.”

I once bought a bag of food magnets and it was a weird mixture between French and broken English.

Right On!! 👍

Bought a pack of Metroid stickers for my son’s birthday a few years ago and I had to go through each one before putting them in the goodie bags. Lots of bikini clad Samus sprinkled in there.

I actually love this one, I have a Kirby sticker on my laptop that says eat the rich.

I was very briefly enraged, but you said interesting, not infuriating. Can I have the link

My teen has this sticker on their water bottle. Not sure where it came from though. It’s an incredibly common phrase in the queer community.

that’s a badass sticker lol as a straight man i’d def have that somewhere anyway. it’s amazing lol

I bought a set of animal crossing stickers for my kids one christmas and since I’d read in reviews there might be things like that in the mix I went through them all and I found one of KK slider singing a song with the word fuck in it lol

Solid advice…

these are instructions. now you know what you have to do.

It’s glorious

Send link

Haha, Finally…my thumbnail pic is based on this stickher

Best sticker in the bunch

We’ll be taking this advice very seriously

At least you didn’t get “be crime do gay”


i just had my first real laugh of the day. thanks

He’s not wrong

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