I broke my wrist and my hand became quite bruised.

By fraksen
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I actually thought you were black for a second wtf

I will suggest, go back to the doctor. That looks like the cast is restricting the blood flow.
You can loose your fingers

This post framed like Paranormal Activity. Kinda expecting there’s a shadowy figure on the stair.

Keep that hand away from cops

Bro is losing privileges

When I got hit by a truck, I broke a bone in my foot. Even though my toes didn’t really get touched, all my toes became black and bruised

Solo interracial porn would certainly be a niche.

New word unlocked.

Keep it elevated. Gravity causing blood from wrist fx to drain into hand.

SERIOUS- OP please go to urgent care. This could be Compartment Syndrome. If left untreated, amputation is necessary.

Rachel Dolezal is taking notes

Make sure your doctor sees that. Looks like Compartment Syndrome. Can cause permanent muscle damage if left untreated. I had it in my foot is how I know.


Are the fingers cold by chance? Like do they feel normal or are you experiencing any numbness or tingling? If you are, you definitely want to call your doctor ASAP, since the cast could be restricting blood flow

Your nails are so pretty. I wish mine didn’t grow in so jacked up 😅 I hope your recovery is speedy and smooth!


Like Ray Gillette from Archer.

Blood flows down to the fingers.

Reverse Ariana. 

Bro did reverse Michael Jackson

This happened to my toes when I broke my fibula/sprained ankle

Bro got knocked into another ethnicity.

Omg I thought he was black like me for a second😂

Your credit has dropped 20 points

That’s an RMJ Ecchymosis aka a Reverse Micheal Jackson bruise.

This comment section did not disappoint

Don’t be giving Rachel Dolezal ideas now

Uh im pretty sure your hand isnt getting any blood, go to the ER asap

Go to the doctor to have them loosen the cast. I had foot surgery and they left the cast too tight. It’s been over a month since it was removed, and I still have no feeling in two of my toes.

bro losing rights

You have to control One for All by limiting your output to what your body can handle

I’ve seen this before. It’s re-vitiligo, the opposite of what Michael Jackson had.

Which one?

Hmm – could the cast potentially be too tight and blood all pooled into your fingers as a result?

once you go black, you can never go back.

Circulation issues maybe?

Hit so hard OP switched races

Your hand is dying due to lack of blood flow. You need to go get that looked at immediately, not tomorrow, now.


How’d you break your wrist?

Quick, get approved on r/blackpeopletwitter

You can say the N word, but only using sign language

On the bright side, you can finally tell mom you have a cute new girlfriend and she’d probably believe it.

Now you can only change the battery on your smoke alarm with your right arm.

You went to the hospital right? The whole hand going black can’t be good

Time to get verified on r/blackpeopletwitter!

Price of advice… do as much exercise 💪 as possible, broke my wrist a few years back and my arms are now two different sizes 😥
Recovery takes for evvvvver, do what you can

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