i can’t even repaint it the same color?

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Seems like so many HOA’s are headed by power-hungry control freaks that look for stuff to be pissed about.

I live in a neighborhood with an HOA, but they didn’t disclose it when we bought the house so we don’t have to arrive by their rules. I’ll have an old trashy car in my driveway if I want, thank you very much.

**puts trash can outside the fence**
HOA:Not on my watch, buddy

HOA’s sound like hell, and people are crazy for living with them. I can see rules as in, don’t have a bunch of garbage or junk cars in your yard.. but the nitpicky crap people put up with, it’s crazy to me.

Last HOA I lived in, I just did whatever tf I wanted to do. I wasn’t supposed to plant a vegetable garden, I did it anyway. I wasn’t supposed to have pets, I did anyway. I wasn’t supposed to hang an American flag, I did anyway. I wasn’t supposed to have big parties, I did anyway. Fuck em.

wait they dont even let you paint your own fence?? woah

I’m gonna repaint it harder now

excited to see my man from ozarkkkkk

Millennials don’t have that kind of problems… a house

I gave my HOA the opportunity to have a good relationship and they chose violence. They can make all the rules they want but I’ll be damned if they’re going to tell me what to do with my own property. I’m not passionate about many things in life anymore, but I will never stop gunning for Florida HOAs. Let them all be on notice.

In some places HOAs are mandated by law so the city can force the HOA to pay for road maintenance in residential areas.

As someone who has no idea wtf a HOA is; what is it? Is it sorta like a gated community or something?

America, land of the free.

Simple, don’t live in an HOA neighborhood.

I walked outside today and saw an open house sign at the HOA board president’s house. I’m very excited.

You know what, paint it in glow in dark colour.. Bright neon type shit.

Serious question: what happens if you don’t follow their precious rules? Like, do you get kicked out of the house you bought? Do they call the cops on you or what?

I suddenly thought of a pro gamer move to stop this from happening. Stop moving into HOA’s.

Fuck themmmmmmmmmmmmm


why are hoa memes being so popular lately? thought yall didnt afford houses

Just don’t join their karens club

Why the fuck would you join an hoa or buy an hoa property house

When the HOA becomes the boss of your house

When the HOA becomes the boss of your house

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