I can’t heal everyone. Why do this.

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Bruh I had this earlier, and when I switched to dps as well I got yelled at lmao. Braindead people

I don’t understand, I see more comp picking in quick play than ranked.

And then they have the audacity to say “why dont you heal me”

Im a support main and whenever i see my team comp like this, i immediately switch to damage as well and just basically throw the game 🥲 hopeless on trying to heal every body with nobody in my team willing to adjust 🤡

I see it as a tank too. It got better at silver but I still see so many 1-4-1 comps that it’s infuriating. If you want to do it in quickplay, whatever. But in comp I at least want to try to win. It wouldn’t be so bad either if they could secure kills or throw some insane pressure on the other team, but more often than not, they either go negative, have low damage or keep overextending because they don’t understand the character.

My secret is to just have fun and do what I can. If they bitch about not getting healed…I don’t care.

they do not want to win with that team comp you should’ve just gone dps too

Then heal the ones who play the best fuck the rest

Man tell me about it. I work 12 hours on nightshift and recently i’ve been playing some rounds when i get home. 2nd match in, i was the only tank and was wondering how i was just dying when i’m with the team. Find out the rest are dps. I dont normally quit games, but i just turned off the ps5 and went to bed

I will heal whoever plays the objective. 😎

Bc they think they are the main character (before they put up 2k damage)

I had three games in a row like this. Couldnt keep up and had to give Jeff a try…..Jeff is goated

because people are morons. happened in overwatch too. team comp doesn’t matter as long as they get to see the big damage numbers. if they lose, it’s everyone else’s fault.


On the one hand it’s super annoying. On the other until they add more Vanguards and Strategists I genuinely don’t see this changing.

Leave Iron Man and Iron Fist to fend for themselves, they can handle it. Psylocke is also ok on her own, focus on Punisher and Moon Knight and defend the objective.

There’s a lot of people in ranked that do this and I am literally suffering of lose streak for it

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Just do your job AND their job better

I love when five people instalock dps and someone goes “we need a healer and tank.” i just say you do it, even though I’ve reluctantly become a strategist main, im not healing five dumbasses alone.

“We don’t need role que!” xD

Because this game has quickly become toxic

Swap dps

Hit head shots had a gamel ike this i was the mantis and we won because their groot gave me free head shots and I could keep everyone healed and boosted at all times

If they don’t add role queue they need to limit the amount of the roles a team can have. 2 vanguard, 3 duelists, 2 or 3 strategists.

I always assume theyre children or somethings wrong with their brains

Roll locking is what should happen honestly, to many folks who want to just DPS. I don’t blame them. I’m sick to hell healing and playing vanguard. Not enough healers not enough vanguards. TOOOOOOO MANY DPS. 18 dps to the combined 15 vanguard and healers.

They should have never released the game without a more balanced group of characters to pick from in all areas.

They are doing the EXACT thing Over watch has done. To many DPS not enough tanks or healers.

I would be fine healing and tanking if I didn’t have such drab characters to pick from.

Healers have almost no escapes, Tanks have almost no escapes. You are sitting duck either way, and it makes for a terrible experience. Yes I know they have tanks who are mobile, but they don’t offer front line. They are bulwark divers those are not the same. Healers are in a similar situation, where many of the healers are free low kills. Being dove by a competent diver dps means you as healer are 95% sure to die.

This is why we need role queue.. the same people who say we don’t are people who will just throw or leave when they’re in games like this lol. This type of team isn’t fun or creative. Open works best with friends but this is the reality of playing solo. Alternatively you’ll see a balanced team with people who get roles they stink at and won’t swap.

They all going negative too😹

Jeff maybe could do it

Nah, at that point they’ve lost healing privileges. Just play whatever and know the loss isn’t your fault.

For on more month, I will allow this because in my mind people are still trying out all the characters. Still a relatively new game.

That being said, one more duelist might’ve been the win condition.

Heavy is the head that wears the crown. Us support mains gotta do what we gotta do

Yeah I was playing tank last night and we had no healer.

The guys on my team were all getting so mad, about how we didn’t have a healer and they couldn’t stay alive.

I could have easily switched but, I figured would just let them suffer through it. They knew the problem and didn’t want to make any change to fix it.

There’s a reason why Overwatch ended up doing 2-2-2 and stuck with 1-2-2 when they switched to 5v5. People are playing a class game to never play 2/3 of the roles, most everyone’s expecting someone else to play support and tank for them and don’t see why it doesn’t work this way.

And then when/if Marvel Rivals does the same they’ll all be whining at how long the DPS queue time is.

And then they’ll wait for an hour in the DPS queue anyway, rather than play support or tank.

This is why online multiplayer gaming can’t work guys. The issue is : you can’t make playing online with just anybody work in this world, the way people are led to be by the world we live in. It’s bound to play out this way.

This is why I’ve been sticking to solo games and coop with friends for many years and boy, is my skin smoother and are my chakras aligned since then.

If I see this I go straight to damage. Social pressure works like 95% of time for me. I refuse to solo heal in this game.

You need 2 healers and 1 tank minimum if teams are equally skilled. That said, I definitely double down as damage when I see everyone do that, too. I’m a healer main as well.

“tRuSt mE bRo I’M bUiLt DiFfErEnT” Typical smooth brain COMP DPS players lol.

“I thought main characters were supposed to win”

Not a single vanguard 💔

I basically only play Vanguard and Strategist (I’m not good at either), and if this happens (like it did just a couple of days ago), I politely point out that we could use another tank/healer, and hope for the best. It’s just unfortunate because it’s not even about winning, the game is less fun for everybody if the team composition sucks and you just get mowed down because of that.

I’ve started calling out the people playing dps with zero kills and telling them in chat how useful they are

Braindead losers who think they’re the master solo hero.

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