I couldn’t

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To be fair, in movies they always stab right through the sternum which I imagine would not be easy. 

Funny shit lol, but also, ribs aren’t as strong as we’d hope. A blade will either slide between the ribs, or just cut through them if you stab with enough force.

This is kind of cute😭

You know what same. I couldn’t stab a caged animal like that either.

Hmm not very edgy Mr. LordofEdge

Maybe he couldn’t poke it because he was lion the ground

In the pre sixties hollywood cowboy flicks, people who were shot never bled. they just fell down and died.

These kind of responses to hypotheticals are unfortunately very common

People seem to not understand hypotheticals often, like they don’t understand the point which is to test a concept. They take them literally

Or they see where the hypothetical is headed and it destroys their argument so they refuse to answer it in good faith

Or maybe this guy was just joking around who knows

Memes haha funny 

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